THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 334

The Mistery of Belicena Villca totally lost external orientation . I could not move from where I was , this was very clear to them . But then I had decided to die .
I will explain it better : although They had broken my will to free myself externally , I verified at every moment that I kept intact the inner spiritual faculties . The will of my Spirit , Dr ., was not broken in the reduced sphere of consciousness . Maybe They would destroy part of the psychic structure , but the damage could only be reduced to the field of the Soul or to the physical brain , that is , to the exclusively material terrain . Of course , They could not know exactly what had happened to the Eternal Spirit because The Initiates of the White Fraternity lack the ability to perceive Uncreated Beings ; but they considered a triumph of their brain washing techniques to verify that there were no longer any spiritual manifestations . Specifically , they referred to the " Self ", the manifestation of the Spirit , as a prisoner status indicator light : if treatment culminated in the disintegration of the Self , this meant that an irreversible process would prevent the spiritual re-chaining . Although the Symbol of the Origin was still present in the Pure Blood , the destruction of the psychic structure made it impossible that the Self could focus again on the sphere of consciousness . But in my case this had not happened . As you will understand , They expected that the ingestion of psychodrugs resulted in a state of acute schizophrenia , hope that in my case was reinforced by the confessions that they had managed to wrench out of me . But the real situation was that everything they managed to obtain in the interrogation was neither voluntary nor involuntary but mechanical : their drugs acted on the conscious subject of the Soul , not on the Self , and forced it to dump the content of the formidable racial memory of the Lords of Tharsis , a characteristic of the biological specialization of my family that the Rabbis presumably were not used to dealing with . They believed that my Self was fragmented or disintegrated and that I would never return to produce a stable state of spiritual consciousness : the confession demonstrated , for them , the irreversible fracture of the spiritual will .
But that confession was only a stupid betrayal of the soul , whose subject read the contents of the psychic memories . In a deep sphere , the will of my Self resisted at all times the violation without being able to prevent the mnemic contents from being mechanically externalized : they arose then , to the delight of the Rabbis , the remembrances that the memories held about the own Strategy and its execution . They found out what happened with Noyo and they immediately set out on his footsteps , supposing to leave behind a human spoil . However , it ' s clear that , as always , it would not be so simple for them to end with the Lords of Tharsis .
What had happened ? Well , I managed to understand what consequences were expected of the brainwashing and I managed to simulate with great conviction the schizophrenic dementia intended by Them . Finally , convinced that my madness was hopeless , they decided to evacuate me from the compromising Franciscan Monastery and intern me momentarily , until the arrival of Bera and Birsha , in a Neuropsychiatric Hospital . For that they had to " legalize me ", that is , grant me the legal status of political prisoner , in order to obtain the bureaucratic settlement in the Hospital and eliminate any future investigation . They then began by summoning certain " Colonel Victor Pérez ”, a Hebrew military man who worked for the Shin Beth . He took in his charge the case and prepared a file inflated with falsehoods , which included the alleged subversive activity of my son Noyo and the support that I would give , both him and the organization of which he was a member . He concocted the description of the circumstances of the arrest , the interrogations and the content of the confessions ; and he obtained from a military doctor the diagnosis of dementia and from a judge the order of hospitalization at the Dr . Javier Patrón Isla Neuropsychiatric Hospital . And in this way I got here , Dr . Arturo Siegnagel . But for then I had decided to die .
Yes , dear Dr .. In those days , my only wish was to die with Honor , commit suicide before falling into the fatal clutches of Bera and Birsha , take from the Damn Immortals the pleasure of their revenge , the fulfillment of the sentence