THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 333

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
I was momentarily resting in a miserable inn of the village of Kâlypampa , which is located in front of the National Park of the same name , next to Cerro Kâlibur . There the drug was supplied to me , mixed in a pot of cane molasses offered to sweeten the coffee . The effect that it instantaneously produced in my body of Hyperborean Initiate was indescribable , being unlikely that you can even imagine it , because you do not know how it behaves a mind capable of having consciousness in several Worlds at the same time . The most I ' ll tell you is that the drug , a perfect form of archetypal honey from bees , produced an accelerated process of mental strengthening , a formidable injection of energy for the instinctive will of the Soul , which in the Hyperborean Initiates is usually dominated by the irresistible will of the Uncreated Spirit . And that sudden evolution of the Soul caused like a degradation of the blood , like a weakening of the Symbol of the Origin , present in the Pure blood , and as an actualization of the physical body , which thus lost its ability to move independently of time and synchronized all its biological clocks with the time of this World . So I was prey to the cultural context , subject to the reality of that little village of Jujuy . Naturally I tried to flee anyway : the lapis oppositionis no longer served me because I had lost the external orientation towards the Origin and it was impossible for me to practice the strategic opposition . But I didn ' t get very far . Before leaving the Province I was already in the hands of the Shin Beth agents . These led me to the Franciscan Monastery of Nuestra Señora del Milagro , in Salvador de Jujuy , where most of the priests seemed to be under their command . In a sordid dungeon , from colonial times , I was subjected to a refined interrogation during which different types of drugs were administered to me . The questions they were few and exact ; always the same : Where was the Extraterrestrial Stone ? What had happened to my son Noyo ? Where was I heading to ? What were my orders ? Did I have any terrestrial contact , an Initiate who shared the operation , or did I work on my own ?
In short , Dr . Siegnagel , I think I ended up confessing almost everything , unable to resist the effect of the drugs that prevented me from representating even the Sign of Death , with which I could have , in another occasion , disincarnated right there . Anyway , Noyo was already safe in the Secret Cavern : I had sensed that for a long time and had received confirming signs from the Gods . I fell , but the Strategy succeeded . The order of the Lord of the War had been carried out flawlessly and nothing , from the House of Tharsis , would prevent the Final Battle ! It was only missing now that the Hyperborean Pontiff , the Lord of the Absolute Orientation and his Order of Wise Builders , find the Wise Sword : and that was totally out of our hands .
As you will understand , these reflections belong to the present . In that terrible moment , when my will was powerless to control the tongue , an unspeakable anguish seized me : I was being humiliated in my dignity of Hyperborean Initiate and felt like a betrayal , like a lack of unforgivable honor , the involuntary confession that was being ripped out of me . Despite the fact that the possibility of that ending was already contemplated by us . But in those moments I just wanted to die , even though the damned Rabbis wanted nothing more than to keep me alive : I was hardly tortured physically , since all their action was concentrated in bending and destroying my psychic structure . They weren ' t going to kill me , and they told me this clearly , because my body was untouchable , like Rudolph Hess ' s . Yes , Dr . Siegnagel : I was reserved for a Ritual Sacrifice to be performed by Bera and Birsha in person .
Sixty-Third Day
You will ask yourself , Dr . Siegnagel , how was it that my captors send me to the Dr . Patrón Isla Hospital , in the City of Salta ? The answer is sadly simple , not very difficult to imagine . The Infernal Agents , who knew the secret of their drugs on the human body , knew that it would be impossible for me to flee from anywhere : the will to resist was completely enervated and , as I said , had