THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 332

The Mistery of Belicena Villca his announcements were being fulfilled word by word , but there were enlightened minds capable of understanding the reality and also discover the plans of the Enemy .
" But this is not all ", Captain Fernández continued . The most serious thing is that , once the anti-subversive fight is concluded in the military field , the only field in which we were allowed to intervene , the Government considers that the nationalist groups of the Armed Forces represent a potential danger to the synarchic plans and has decreed its final destruction . And this offensive has already started with the ideological selection of the best experts in antisubversive fight of the Intelligence Services , their isolation with a view to present and future purges , and even with their assassination , carried out by members of foreign Secret Services summoned especially for this purpose . This way , little by little , synarchic groups have emerged in the Intelligence Services , with personnel trained , or directly in their service , by agents of Israel ( from the Mossad or the Shin Beth ); from the U . S . A . ( the C . I . A or the F . B . I .); from England ( MI-5 , MI-6 , I . S .); of the Soviet Union ( K . G . B ., G . R . U .) etc . And these are the organizations that are chasing you Mrs . Belicena . That is why it is urgent to clarify things while we can , because it is likely that in a very short time our Comrades will be completely neutralized and expelled from Active Duty , to later be viciously sold to the same subversive forces against which we fought for years . We believe that the Government plans to transfer the Power to social democratic or socialist politicians , who will allow the left to acquire freedom and power enough to destroy the moral reserves of the Nation , which were especially concentrated in the Armed Forces . However , these men , who are basically lackeys at the service of the Synarchy , will maintain the liberal monetarist economic policy that will subject the Nation to moral dependence and social dissolution . In the same case as I , that I ' m dismissed without explanations of the anti-communist struggle , with the evident intention to be retired in a short time , or worse , are my remaining Comrades . Therefore , the need to act now or run the risk that Noyo ' s situation will never be clarified or that you may be attacked by one of the new intelligence groups that are already acting with total impunity and disgusting lack of honor , and who habitually persecute and execute persons of nationalist backgrounds rather than the known agents of marxist subversion . I hope I was clear , Mrs . Belicena , and manage to establish a prompt contact with Comrade Noyo , from whom we require also , at this key hour , his valuable strategic advice .
– You have been extremely clear , Captain Fernández – I assured – and be sure that I will transmit your words verbatim to my son Noyo , who I discount will not hesitate to come to you .
And so it concluded that conversation with Captain Diego Fernández , who departed ready to await , and to make his Comrades await , any possible statement on the missing person from Tafi del Valle .
The rest of the story is already known to you , Dr . Siegnagel . I , far from fulfilling what was promised to Captain Diego Fernández , continued making strategic movements in the North of Argentina , Bolivia and Perú . I toured in several opportunities the route of Lito de Tharsis and the Atumurunas , aware that this would further arouse the interest of the White Fraternity and affirm it in the certainty that I was the wielder of the Wise Sword . That is also why I was taking the road of Tatainga in Jujuy and going to the vicinity of Cerro Kâlibur . On two occasions , I even descended to the Valle Grande and contemplated the Externsteine , though not daring to go through the Vrunic Gate . Well , it was during one of these excursions that I fell into a Golen trap and ingested the poison that weakened my will and prevented me from continuing to develop the Strategy . Then I was quickly captured by a Shin Beth commando , made up of Rabbis Initiated in the High Kabbalah , Priests who had contemplated in Israel the Sefer Icheh and knew all about the Fire Holocaust . They belonged , as anticipated by Captain Fernández , to a parallel Intelligence Service , which had members in the Services of the Army , Navy , Air Force , Federal Police , State Security Secretariat , Ministry of Defense , etc . Its power of mobilization was then absolute .