THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 331

The Mistery of Belicena Villca do it soon , urgently , as I told you before , since things have changed unfavorably for those who we profess the National Socialist ideology , including , of course , Comrade Noyo .
Yes . Then I set out to give the Captain a concrete answer . His eloquence had allowed me to assess the situation from another point of view and I understood that it would be catastrophic for our Strategy if the Comrades of Noyo clarified the situation and revealed what happened the night of his disappearance . I had been invariably affirming , on every occasion that presented to me and before any public , that my son Noyo “ had been assassinated by the Forces of Repression ”: the Enemy could neither verify it with certainty nor deny it , since in those days there were thousands of similar cases , of people who disappeared like Noyo without leaving traces . But a Stone of Venus had moved , as sensed by the Traitor Gods , and simultaneously started my erratic displacement through the different Worlds of the North of Argentina and other countries of South America : and this could only be a Strategy against the plans of the White Brotherhood , Strategy that the Demons expected to counteract from four hundred years earlier . So far they had believed because they were totally ignorant of Noyo ' s maneuver . However , everything would collapse if the military cleared up the case and the Enemy found out what happened after the kidnapping : without abandoning my pursuit , they would reorient the search towards Noyo and would jeopardize the strategic objective of his mission . So I had to prevent the military from speaking . Rather , I had to win time , because from the Captain ' s words it was inferred that the urgency was due to a change that would later make any clarification impossible . Surely , it would be the political change announced by Captain Kiev , which would plunge the Nation into an economic and moral ruin , and would put it tied and gagged in the hands of the International Synarchy .
Trying to dispel the Captain ' s concern about my fate or Noyo ' s state , I replied , suddenly loquacious :
– You experience unfounded fears for what may happen to me or about the future of Noyo --I affirmed-- . I ' ve certainly exaggerated my role , now I see it clearly – I lied – and I promise you that as of today I will stop representing it . As for Noyo , I assure you that he is fine although I do not know his whereabouts . He communicates with me through a secret mailbox and I will not hesitate to write to him immediately on everything you have told me : we will have to wait a while , but I am persuaded that knowing that he is urgently required , it will not be long before he appears . Therefore , I suggest you not to innovate in the situation and wait for the result of these measures . However , I would like to know something concrete about the changes unfavorable to our cause that you have mentioned to me , in order to substantiate to Noyo the importance of the call .
– I see that you are reasonable , Mrs . Belicena -the Captain hoped – and that is why I will provide you with the information you request . The issue is very simple : the nationalist and patriotic forces that had mobilized in defense of the Nation , have been betrayed from the top of the Government . The top commanders of the Armed Forces have agreed with the hidden organizations advocates of the World Government and have decided to hand over the country for the financial looting that will destroy the economic foundations of society . While this sinister plan was developed and carried out , the only national forces capable of reacting were entertained in a sterile fight against insurgent organizations whose true leaders never showed their faces . This only served to discredit the Armed Forces and neutralize their future reaction . We have won militarily but we will be inexorably defeated in the political arena , since the economic problems that will arise from the monetarist and synarchic policy developed by the Government will cause the society to forget the honorable goal of our struggle and accuse us of the subsequent misery , a reality that will obsess them because it will touch their pockets and their stomachs . – Captain Fernández was evidently inspired and , at times , reminded me of Captain Kiev ' s words . We were then at the end of 1979 , only two years after his appearance in the Cromlech of Tafí del Valle , and not only