THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 330

The Mistery of Belicena Villca detected again to attract the Enemy , with more and more violence , on me and achieve the intended distraction effect . By the way , Noyo would advance calmly towards the Valley of Córdoba .
During one of the surprise returns to Tucumán , Segundo , the indian descendant of the People of the Moon who serves us as Steward in the Farm , informed me that Captain Diego Fernández wanted to locate me before leaving Zone III , since they had assigned him a new destiny . I phoned him at the Regiment and we arranged an appointment at the Dique El Cadillal park . There the following dialogue arose : – Good morning , Ma ' am --the Captain greeted . – Likewise --I replied laconically . – You and your son , my good Comrade Noyo , have me very worried , Mrs . Belicena . You would have to tell me where he is . Or warn him that he immediately gets in touch with us . Things have changed a lot in these years and it is urgent that he be aware of the events .
I shrugged in response , determined not to deny or confirm nothing , but to pay attention to the information that could be obtained from the Officer : I was also " in operations ", executing a tremendously dangerous maneuver part of an Essential War that that soldier could not even dream of ; and the discipline proper to this War demanded distrust of everyone and Everything , even from my son ' s Comrade : all uninitiated men could be betrayed by their Soul , emotionally dominated and turned into an instrument of the Demiurge Jehovah Satan . I couldn ' t take any unnecessary chances . However , Dr . Siegnagel , seeing things from a distance , I can assure you today that Captain Diego Fernández was sincere in everything he said , and that Noyo hadn ' t been wrong to trust him .
Observing that I said nothing , the Captain continued energetically :
– You should concede more importance to my words , Mrs . Belicena . I believe that you are informed that the disappearance of your son was simulated : I led the Task Force that raided your farm and took him into custody ; and I am who allowed him to flee a few hours later . He was one of our secret agents , as well as an Army Officer in Retirement , and the case went well documented in the Intelligence area : there is my report to Commander G-2 about what happened that night and , in addition , there are the documents prior to the operation , where it is stated that Noyo was one of us . The disappearance was necessary to provide tactical cover for his position , but there was no need to exaggerate things by unnecessarily prolonging the absence . Mrs . Belicena : he should have been back already a long time ago , or communicated with us ; I will not hide from you that his situation has now become incredibly complicated . You yourself , Mrs . Belicena , are in mortal danger with your astonishing decision to start a personal search for your missing son ! Don ' t you understand that with such an attitude you place yourself on the side of the subversives , that you can be pointed out openly as such ?
Faced with the immutable expression on my face , the Captain sighed and continued with his warnings :
– Don ' t think that everyone knows the fate of your son that night . The truth is only known by a group of Intelligence Officers . But they haven ' t spoken , nor can they speak , because if they did they would expose Noyo to a sure death at the hands of the subversive organizations , since even our Intelligence Service is infiltrated by them . But you , with your absurd acts , have fallen under the eye of other Intelligence Services , and you are even monitored and followed by members of our own force who ignore the truth of the facts . And now observe what devilish plot has been formed : if we keep silence to protect Noyo , our Comrade , we risk the life of his mother , because if the confusion continues , no one knows what measures could adopt the remaining Task Groups that repress in the North ; and if we talk , we save his mother but we dangerously discover Noyo ' s role , what will require , in the end , of a true disappearance in order to regain the security lost , perhaps a permanent change of identity , or a prolonged settlement in another country . Do you understand the problem now , Mrs . Belicena ? We want to know what to do because , whatever we do , we must