THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 329

The Mistery of Belicena Villca opposite direction , ostensibly , to distract the Enemy . I would be quickly detected , but the risk was calculated : the important thing was to buy time , to last long enough so that Noyo reached the Valley of Córdoba . With these purposes , we prepared in detail all the phases of the undertaking .
Eighteen months later , in April 1977 , we already had everything necessary and we were adjusting the final steps . We had the two saddlebags with the indeterminate stones , the lapis oppositionis , suitable to practice the strategic opposition . And everything was ready to create the climate of chaos that the circumstances required . This would be achieved with the involuntary collaboration from the army . Let me explain better : to systematize the fight against the guerrillas , the Army had divided the country into six Zones ; zone III comprised the Provinces of Córdoba , La Rioja , Catamarca , Salta , Jujuy , Santiago del Estero and Tucumán ; in Tucumán , subzone 113 covered the region of our Farm and commanding it was Captain Diego Fernández , my son ' s faithful Comrade . In combination with him , Noyo managed to mount a gigantic raking and lockdown operation , in the Tafi del Valle subzone , by the middle of the month of April 1977 : the objective of the operation was to annihilate a column of the E . R . P ., the People ' s Revolutionary Army , which acted in the subzone with the support of some residents belonging to the P . R . T ., Revolutionary Workers Party . In that black night for the Communists , the Army would obtain several hours of free zone , during which the electrical supply would be interrupted , and its commands would be deployed throughout the city of Tafi del Valle and surrounding towns in order to capture the subversives . They would go on safe targets , true agents of subversion and irregular fighters , most of which had been pointed out by Noyo . It was for that reason that Noyo requested as tactical cover that our address be raided and his arrest simulated : " that would drive away the Enemy ' s suspicions ", he alleged . When everything was ready for action , it was agreed that Diego Fernández in person would deal with his false capture , in order to avoid the imponderables or confusions that could arise if other soldiers intervened and thus ensure his immediate release . Freedom that Noyo would take advantage of to disappear " for a while ".
Naturally , none of this would happen as Noyo would leave with the Wise Sword willing to never return to Tafi del Valle ; but that , his Comrades of the Army didn ' t know . According to the particular repressive methodology that the Armed Forces used in the anti-subversive fight , they never used search warrants or even gave part to the Justice in the night raids of the kind they carried out in Tafi del Valle : the suspects were simply kidnapped , becoming part of the even more suspicious category of " missing ". Thus , the day after the raid , Noyo was listed as one of the " 200 missing from Tafi del Valle ". To begin to play my role then , I appeared at the Courts and filed the useless habeas corpus , along with the other family members of the missing . The legal recourse , as was customary , was rejected , since the Judges shared the official methodology or feared to increase the fateful list of the missing . And so it happened that , by not possessing a reasonable official answer about my son ' s whereabouts , I started to move on my own , at first in a very slow and sneaky way , but then , by making use of the strategic opposition , more rapidly , until I completely disappeared .
To the despair of the Enemy , who was soon on my trail , I used to disappear completely , in a certain place , and appear as " by art of magic ”, in places sometimes very distant . I advanced and retraced my steps , permanently puzzling those who watched me ; now I would be in Jujuy , now in Tafi del Valle ; then in Bolivia and then again in Tucumán , in a matter of hours , if time is any reference at all in the magic war that I had undertaken . Furthermore , the Enemy was unable to determine the World I was in at all times : if it stumbled upon a lapis oppositionis , for example , it could happen that by following the path that I supposedly chose it would have found a Tafi del Valle in which the Villca family had never lived ; or with a Belicena Villca who had neither married nor had children ; or with a World in which the antisubversive fight was not carried out ; etc . But , nevertheless , I let myself be