THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 282

The Mistery of Belicena Villca would try to buy our weapons ? And didn ' t Kus tell us , back in our distant mountains , that yielding to the Devils would be our end ?
He drew his sword and with one swift movement he inflicted himself a wound in the left hand .
– Listen , he continued , I , Nimrod , who has led you victoriously in a thousand battles , I tell you that we must fight to the death these vile Demons who dare not face us . I tell you that they lie and that with their promises only seek to lose us --he raised his hand , from which flowed abundant blood – Here is my blood , which is the purest in the world ! With her I will trace the HK Sign on this infernal banner and then we will go in to kill the Demons . Our Sign is invincible !
With his right thumb , drenched in blood , he drew the Sign of the Origin and instantly it seemed as if a fire consumed the seven enchanted triangles . – Let ' s kill the Demons ! --all the warriors shouted in chorus . However , they were unable to enter the tunnel . The remains of the banners were still smoking on the floor when the Demons of Shambhala , who secretly observed the reaction of the Kassites , prepared to use one of their terrible Atlantean weapons : the " OM cannon ". First it was a soft sound , penetrating and sharp , like the song of the cicada . Then it started to rise in tone and volume until it became unbearable .
– Isa , Isa ! Nimrod and Ninurta shouted as a duo . Indeed , descending from above by the thorns of the Enlil tree , was in sight the specter of the Kassite Princess . She was staring at them and seemed to speak energetically but , at first , nobody heard anything , because the monosyllable of El issued intensely stunned almost everyone . However , it was impressive the faith that the Kassites felt for the Initiate of Kus and perhaps this confidence made them hear soon , or think they hear , her instructions .
– Get behind Nimrod and Ninurta ! Gaze fixedly at the Sign of HK that they have engraved on their backs and let the Voice of the blood flow through you . Its rumor will extinguish anything that disturbs you . And you , brave Chiefs : you have a powerful weapon ; you will see that it protects you . Look at me and trust me , your pain will soon cease .
Leaping up to the King and the General the Initiate put her hands on the heads of those Heroes producing the exaltation of a kind of aura shining around their bodies . This operation produced obvious relief because a second later they were both cursing , though they still couldn ' t hear their own oaths .
While in Heaven the events that I have just narrated were taking place , below , next to the Ziggurat , the rest of the people lived curious experiences . When Nimrod threw the heads of the Demons the commotion was very great and a short time later they hung strung on spears . These heads were quite larger than those of a normal man , although they did not double them in volume . Long blond hair framed a square face with eyes ragged and black and huge hooked nose . The mouth was full-lipped , detail that was perfectly appreciated since the Demons lacked beards .
The pikes were driven before the image of Kus while the Initiates transported the enormous bodies to proceed , before the God of the Race , to rip out the hearts of the Demons . An Initiate made the opening in the white chest and extracted the heart , which was curiously on the right side . She then removed the organ from the other Demon and raised the bloody entrails in her hands for the people to see . And here an umpteenth prodigy happened because , at the contact with air , the hearts were transformed into flowers , with the consequent terror on the part of the crowd composed of men and children . They were two red roses with a piece of prickly stem each , but no one recognized them as such because roses did not yet exist on earth , and these were probably the first to be seen by human eyes since the sinking of the last Atlantis . The Initiate contemptuously threw them at the feet of Kus and they all returned to the Ziggurat where , on that endless noon , stood the gigantic hawthorn tree .
The Elite of two hundred archers had already climbed the Enlil thorn tree and penetrated into the black opening . Around the Ziggurat the rest of the