THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 281

The Mistery of Belicena Villca because it is a unique opportunity that we give you . Do it and you will be able to cross safely the hallway before you . But keep in mind that you must cross it with repentance in the Soul because immediately you will arrive at a Very Holy place called " The Temple of Sapience ", where you will be Initiated into the Mysteries of The One .
Nimrod and Ninurta looked at each other hesitantly ; they expected to find enemies trained for combat but there was only stupid magic there . The banners , with the words that have been seen , had mysteriously attracted the attention of the Kassites . Among the warriors , some could not read , but strangely , the message reached their minds just the same . And , although they did not understand many of the concepts used , they knew perfectly well that they were trying to buy them , once they were made an offer ; bribe them to give up the fight and surrender without fighting . The Kassites defeated , disarmed with " words "? And what would be the price charged for such a cowardly surrender ? Nothing less than serving the hated Enlil ... A murmur rose from the Warrior Elite : they were trying to deceive them , and apart from that , his God Kus had been insulted . The blood boiled in the veins of the heroic Kassites . But the message continued :
If you accept our generous offer you will become the Warriors of the Rose , you will learn the Doctrine of the Heart and , thanks to this Wisdom , you will discover in your own Heart Him , That by whom you are everything , the Ancient of Days , the Lord of the Eternal Summers , the Kumara Sanat . If you accept , you will always fight for Him and for his Chosen Habiru People , whose seed is very close to you . If you accept you will return to the world as Adept Initiates in the Mystery of the Kâlachakra the most powerful Science on Earth . And thanks to its secrets you will be the strongest men , there will be no enemies that can confront you . You will be respected magicians , Victorious generals , Invincible kings , very rich men , depositaries of a Power like never seen . You will share the glory of reigning in the World Along with the lineage chosen by Him in the not-too-distant day when Him , as YHVH-Sebaoth will appear before numerous peoples , worshipers of Matter , and will lead them with a firm arm from the Synarchy of his Power ...
– Nooo ! Nimrod ' s voice boomed like thunder . Don ' t look at the damn banner ! His voice is outside , in the World of Deception . What does your Pure Blood say to you , Kassite warriors ? Didn ' t we learn from Kus the Hyperborean that they