THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 283

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Kassite Army : infantry , sappers , spearmen and auxiliaries , and numerous non-Elite archers . There were also several squads of warriors from other cities who had come to Borsippa as escorts of Ambassadors and Nobles . And they all raised their fists to Heaven and shouted : Kus , Nimrod ; Kus , Nimrod ! -- encouraging his , now , invisible King and intimately wishing to receive the order to climb the hawthorn to collaborate in the struggle . Several Princes and Military Leaders were with the troops , but no one would have dared to give any orders without first receiving signs from Nimrod or from Ninurta .
Accompanying the shouting of the troops was a chorus of women and children , who made up the rest of the people . But the Habiru shepherds , of course , continued in fear , invoking in a low voice to Yah , El , Il , Enlil , their beloved Demiurge . And the Initiates , who timidly first , and then with some urgency , had climbed to the upper turret to inquire about the fate of the Hierophants , verified that all had perished . And that ' s why they cried out loud and cursed the sinister thorn tree . For the Initiates who did not die when the terrible tongue of fire scorched the turret were now strung in thick and long spikes that covered the entirety of the blue enclosure . The Kassite people had lost its Elite of Cainite Initiates ; its luck was now only in the hands of King Nimrod !
But then , the sound of the OM cannon began to invade the realm of the city and soon it became so unbearable that many fell to the ground fainting in pain . A new cloud of geoplasmic vapor , now gushing out from the soil of Borsippa , spread rapidly . The mist rose to a height equal to half a man and covered those who collapsed senselessly . The first to roll , almost instantly , were the Habiru ; men and women ; children and the elderly ; they all fell on the spot , struck down by the penetrating sound . And then occurred , perhaps , the penultimate great phenomenon of that glorious day .
Suddenly , as mysteriously as it had formed , the mist began to dissipate exposing numerous men and women who lay lying on the ground or trying to get up . But the wonder was that the Habiru , in their entirety , had disappeared . And the devilish sound , the monosyllable of El , also ceased at that time .
The Kassites , when verifying that the Habiru were not in sight , thought they had fled since many of them were their slaves or servants and this presumption increased their fury . But the Habiru had not fled : all their community experienced the selective effects of the OM cannon whose sound , conveniently tuned , has the property of producing teleportation . In different places , many miles apart , the shepherds " met " upon regaining consciousness and although at first they cursed Nimrod and his " magic ", attributing to him the guilt of their involuntary trips , having news of Borsippa ' s fate , they thanked their God Yah for having saved them . Many awoke in Nineveh or Assur , but others were to end up as far away as Ishbak , Peleg , Serug , Tadmor or Sinear . In fact , many families took years to reunite , separated by distances of two or three hundred miles , which helped to spread , in a distorted way , Nimrod ' s feat in the Middle East . By the way , in Borsippa , an archer leaned out of the black opening in the sky and shouted :
– Warriors , on the attack ! Nimrod wins ! This call was longed for by the Kassite people and caused that , an instant later , thousands of warriors rushed to the assault of Heaven .
Fifty-Fourth Day
When Nimrod and Ninurta became convinced that the sonic beam OM could not stand against them they prepared to invade the Threshold . The corridor was wide enough so that they could advance five at a time , which they did on the run . In front was the ghostly figure of Princess Isa , followed by Nimrod , Ninurta , and the rest of the archers , minus a dozen who stood on guard at the entrance . That cavern , built in order to frighten the aspiring to serve the Demiurge , had its walls covered with monstrous bas-reliefs and mysterious and impious legends . There also existed side doors that led to