THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 278

The Mistery of Belicena Villca of the turret , and , already there , they tightened the arches pointing towards the Threshold . They were Nimrod and Ninurta , the King and the brave General , the only warriors who possessed the metal cuirass and who therefore advanced first , protected by the Elite of Archers .
The King and the General pointed their bows towards the darkness of the opening trying to distinguish a target when , suddenly , two figures emerged brandishing swords . The Demons , with the appearance of " man of white race ”, five cubits tall , seemed to float in the air , but somehow obtained a point of support because they managed to unload their swords on the heroic archers . The blades flashed when flying through space but bounced without penetrating the armor of Nimrod and Ninurta . However the impact made them roll in a daze across the roof of the turret that served as the last terrace .
A shower of arrows then fell on the " Immortal Demons " and , although many of them bounced off their armors , many others penetrated riddling them . The wounded giants fell next to King Nimrod who quickly beheaded them , raising their huge heads before the excited crowd .
As King Nimrod did this and then threw the bloody trophy , General Ninurta , accompanied by part of the Warrior Elite , began to climb the Enlil tree that linked Heaven to Earth . For the first time in thousands of years a group of Wise Warriors was preparing to take Chang Shambhala by assault !
Please allow me , Dr . Siegnagel , to make a brief pause in the story so that I can express in a poem what goes through my Spirit when evoking the last marvelous feat of that Hyperborean people who knew what they were doing , amid a world that was pure confusion . Then I will take up the story again in the precise moment when Nimrod ' s warriors were preparing to invade the Threshold of the synarchic initiation .
Courageous Kassite warriors ! His feat will eternally illuminate all the Hyperborean peoples who decide to take Heaven by storm and return to the primordial origin from whom Jehovah Satan has deprived them . Because They fought the Demons and woke up from the Great Deception . But so far no one has managed to equal the glory of Nimrod , " the Defeated ." That ' s why those of us who stay here we must try again Together with Kristos Lucifer " the Envoy ". The God of those who " lose " during the Kaly Yuga , and the Gods Loyal to the Spirit of man waiting for the appointed time in which twelve men of the purest blood and a Siddha meet at the end of the Kaly Yuga on American soil . Then the Gral will be found and after a thousand years of betrayals will drop the blindfold , waking up ; the door will be opened again and Chang Shambhala with its Demons will be definitely annihilated . But so far no one has managed to equal the glory of Nimrod , " the Defeated ." It is true that few tried : some Iberians , some Celts , Trojans , Achaeans , Dorians or Romans , many Goths and many Germans .