THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 279

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But no one so far has managed to equal the glory of Nimrod " the Defeated ". Perhaps in Montsegur the Cathars or the Teutonic Knights of Frederick II Hohenstauffen , or the greatest of all , our Führer , with his magic Axis and a courageous people that by no means retrocedes ; perhaps He as no one has looked for it . And thus many won the eternity and from this Hell they have left . But not definitely for a Final Battle will be fought and Nimrod will return Along with the great Heroes of the past . Odin , Wothan , and Wiracocha , Heracles , Indra and Quetzacoatl , from the Valhalla they will come singing , surrounded by exquisite Valkyries and music of the past . And They will raise huge Armies of Living , Immortal and Resurrected . A single virtue will be required : it ' s called honor and it dignifies the man that has awakened from Deception . The War will be Essential and the Demiurge and his hosts , defeated , will finally release the Eternal Spirits that came from Venus so that they return where God waits , in a World that has not been created . And leaving the Universe of Matter , from madness , from Evil and the Great Deception , those who return will sing in chorus the feats of Nimrod , " the Defeated "!
I will now continue with the story . The Enlil tree possessed widely spaced branches and straight lines , which were actually huge spikes , so they could be climbed as if it was a gigantic ladder . This is exactly what the brave Kassites did preparing to climb the tree and lay siege to the “ Heaven ' s Gate ". As soon as General Ninurta and fifty warriors had climbed enough they found that they were in front of the entrance to a cavern , or at its image . They leaped boldly from the tree , not yet knowing if they could make their feet in the mysterious world they entered through the " Gate of Heaven ", and found themselves in a clearly rocky ground . Some turned to look and saw the tree that was lost in unfathomable heights ; and also the edge of an abyss , a few elbows from where they stood , by which it was distinguished , many feet away : the roof of the turret from which the gigantic trunk emerged ; the Ziggurat ; the people ' s men gathered around ; and the walled perimeter of the city of Borsippa . Contrasting with the intense light outside , where it was still noon , a soft gloom reigned in that place . Yet there was enough light to distinguish the details of the sinister cavern : there were seven stone steps and , from the last one , a passage that was lost in the distance . But upon the entrance , following the curve of its arch , seven triangular banners were nailed . Each one had written the same legend , in as many different languages . In their own Kassite language they could read :
Don ' t dare to put your feet on this threshold if before you have not died to the passions and to the temptations of the World .