THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 277

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
This blood that has been shed today and towards which you have rushed , Lord of all things , is my blood : a holy blood of the lineage of the Gods of Venus . In it is the memory of our Divine Origin and the true God HK . With its substance I have anointed my fingers and now I will trace on your forehead the Sign of the Origin . Before him there is no defense . I conjure you to open the Door Enlil , King of the Shepherds , by the Name of HK and the Sacred Sign !
The Princess quickly drew her symbol on the monster ' s forehead and behold , the greatest prodigy had not yet been achieved . The hideous creature of fire shot upward , like a spring , through the roof of the turret and carrying the beautiful rider on its head .
Those who were outside , in the corridors of the Ziggurat and around its base , were still silent because only a few minutes had passed since the music stopped and because the terrifying roars emitted by the monster , invisible for them , were enough to silence any throat . At the moment that the Princess drew the primordial Sign and the Dragon rose , a cry of horror sprouted from all mouths . Just above the turret , not far from its roof , the Heaven moved as if a cloth had been torn .
A black opening was now clearly visible to all those who were witnessing the strange phenomenon . And the most curious and abnormal thing was that the dark hole completely hid the Sun , despite the fact that the Sun by being much higher , should have been seen from some far angle . However no one saw more of the Sun , although its light continued to illuminate the midday as if it were at its zenith . It is understandable that when subjected to such intense emotions , no one worried about the fate of the Sun for , while terror had paralyzed the cowardly Habiru , the Kassites howled in fury , raising their fists to the sky . The spectacle was impressive and justified any distraction . The fire monster , after the Heaven ' s Gate opened , had totally transformed . At first it seemed as if the hideous head would have slipped into the gloomy opening since it was only visible a glowing cylinder , like a beam of fire , rising from the turret and going into the heights . But it soon became apparent that a metamorphosis was happening and after a few seconds a new prodigy offered itself to the bewildered view of the inhabitants of Borsippa . It first became bulbous and covered in protuberances , while changing color and staining brown ; later , very quickly , the bulbs spread outward and transformed into sharp branches covered with sharp spikes and some green leaves ; barely a few seconds later it was a gigantic hawthorn tree that stood tall , incredibly , on the Ziggurat of King Nimrod .
From the base of the Tower only part of the trunk and the superior foliage could be seen , as the top seemed to be lost inside the Gate of Heaven while the root was hidden from view , inside the turret . But what is worth noting is that , as soon as the metamorphosis was completed , disappeared any trace of fire , energy or plasma , and the phenomenon stabilized not producing more changes . It seemed then as if the hawthorn tree had always been there ... if it weren ' t for the sinister rip from Heaven that atrociously suggested all kinds of abnormalities and disturbances of the natural order .
But no one had enough time to be horrified . No sooner had the Heaven opened two figures ran swiftly to the last ramp , the one that led to the terrace