THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 276

The Mistery of Belicena Villca like an arrow , a column of fire rose quickly from the floor of the turret enveloping the pedestal and the gem . The Princess ' s body lay on the ground , impossible to see under impenetrable clouds of geoplasmic vapor that , at every moment , became more dense . Yet a spectral image , with its same naked beauty , could be observed clearly next to the column of fire engaged in a kind of struggle . The fiery wonder , which at first did not exceed the thickness of an elephant ' s leg , was now as wide as a six-man circle . Initially it had fiercely meandered like an infernal snake , but then , when expanding , it slowly assumed the unmistakable figure of the Dragon . It was a Flaming dragon whose hideous image grew sharper every moment , in the extent to which the struggle with the ghost of Princess Isa increased .
It should be clarified that only a few minutes had elapsed since the Princess expired until the moment when the monster of fire materialized . It should be clarified because from then on everything happened too fast ... or maybe the witnesses lost the notion of time .
Suddenly the jaws of that primitive beast , that Leviathan , Rahab , Behemoth , or Tehom-Tiamat let out a terrible roar , while a huge blaze swept the room consuming and charring numerous Hierophants . Only the survivors were able to observe the incredible spectacle of that beast of fire ridden by the dead Initiate . Princess Isa , her ghost , had climbed onto the monster ' s head sitting between the triangular fins of the scaled back . That bold action caused the monster to emit the infernal roar and the deadly flame . Despite such a reaction and the fierce jerks of the beast , the Princess imperturbably repeated these words :
--Spirit of Enlil , El , Yah and Il who fertilizes the Earth and who produces life and who deceives men with your false opulence and those illusory riches that you offer . God you were once on high but now you ' ve fallen and you have become completely idiotic , don ' t chain us too in this infernal universe that you have built imitating the true Heaven . We will leave because we are already sick of you , of all your traps , and the demons that support you . Open the entrance to the hellish den where your cowardly henchmen dwell ! I conjure you to do it in the name of the true God , father of Kus who you betrayed ! By HK ! I conjure you to open the door on behalf of HK !
Upon hearing this Blessed Name , the beast instantly retreated towards the floor of the turret , coiling around the column of stone and metal . His head , however , swayed menacingly without this boast affecting the presence of the spectral Initiate , who held herself firmly on its back . The Telluric Dragon showed no intention of obeying , an attitude that led the brave Princess to act drastically . Leaning down she stretched her hand making the gesture of touching her own blood in the full basin of the Hyperborean emerald . Then she said :