THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 275

The Mistery of Belicena Villca But even though Dejung is far away its Gates are everywhere . Seven Doors has Dejung , and Seven Walls surround it . The Demon Dolma holds the keys but only the mad would let Her guide them . How will they besiege then the brave Kassitas Dejung ' s fortress ? If the demons already know of our holy purposes and if his eye is fixed on us from the Kampala tower ? We will do it as our God Kus , the Lord of Venus taught us , waking up from sleep the miserable Enlil and forcing him to open the Gate of Heaven and to build the bridge on the gloomy walls of Dejung Kampala . Kassite Initiates : See all that Enlil has awakened ! The God Who Sleeps is an idiot , likes flutes and drums , of dances and songs and that they adore His Name , but he also wants blood for he is the father of priests , of filthy shepherds and sacrificers . Only the Pure Blood will make the monster sprout from the depths . Proceed Hierophants ! That Isa is willing to die in the war , of all , the first ! I will travel the worlds where the dead watch demons lurk and the Gods wait . Kus will accompany me whom everyone respects . And in the name of Nimrod I will force the Beast to open the Doors for the sake of our deed . Proceed Hierophants that Isa is willing !
At that moment three things happened simultaneously : the Sun reached its zenith ; the music stopped abruptly , flooding the ears with silence ; and with an accurate stab the Hierophant took the life of the beautiful Kassita Princess . The jade knife cleanly slit her snowy neck above her two-headed collar . Two Initiates held the lifeless body as the blood fell gushing over the glittering gem and into its uterine cleft , now turned into a greedy throat . Then the most marvelous things began to happen that human eyes had contemplated since many centuries ago .
Those inside the turret could see a terrifying scene : when the blood fell , the light that emanated of the Emerald was extinguished for a moment , but then ,