THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 274

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Today the road has come to an end . Gone is the great sea Kash and the country of Kashshu ; buried in the trodden roads our women and children remain , our elders and the best warriors . Many have fallen for the glory of Kus and for following the heroic Nimrod , the chief who will lead us to victory in this or other heavens . At Borsippa we have camped . To build the tallest tower in the world and tame the Serpent of Fire . Like our Ziggurat there is no other neither in Babylon nor in Assur , nor in distant Egypt , nor in the land of the Aryans . Since the Flood covered the Earth and punished the Demons that inhabited the islands of Ruta and Daitya no other Tower like it has been seen . The Gods rejoice for us and the Demons fear us . How much we have worked to build it ! Oh Isa , this effort must not be in vain .
The Initiate was in the same place , standing in front of the Emerald of Kus , keeping respectful silence as her eyes , beautifully slanted , kept fixed on the Hierophant .
He continued with his monologue : We have come here to die fighting and you , sweet princess you have chosen to die first to open the Door of Heaven for us . We will punish the Demons and we will avenge your death , divine Isa , daughter of the Serpent of Venus !
The beautiful Cainite Initiate visibly paled ; however her eyes shone fiercely as these brave words sprang from her mouth :
– The Builder of Worlds of Illusion , the infamous Enlil , has sunk into an eternal sleep , while his fertilized body is born and reborn in everything that exists . He has allied himself with the Demons who live in Dejung , the city a thousand times cursed , the city of Horror and Deception , the Seventh Wall of which has a hidden entrance in the country of the yellow men . He has trusted the demons to continue his wicked work . And they have chained us and prevent us from returning to the world of Kus , where the palace is of the true God HK , whose Name cannot be pronounced without dying .