THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 273

The Mistery of Belicena Villca We got to know in those distant days that we are not from here . And , after remembering our Divine Origin , How could we stay there deceived by Him , the " Elder " Enlil ? Yes , everything was debased in our sight . The fields were suddenly scorched . The flowers made their perfume horrible , and the heat of Shamash no longer seemed good to us . Suddenly we saw the stunted spikes and even the mountains lost their imposing height . All that happened when we looked at the world after Wise Kus told us about the forgotten Heaven filling our chest with nostalgia . That ' s when we decided to undertake the Path of the Return to the Origin . And take on the betrayal of the Demons that had tricked us with their magic . Many of us were the ones who left from the sacred mountain , towards different directions . And many are the Kings that with their Hyperborean peoples have been searching since then the way to Heaven . But Kus had warned us that some would not arrive soon if they were deceived again by the cunning Demons . But he directed us accurately because we have no other goal than to conquer Heaven . We are guided by the invincible Nimrod whom He fears because his blood is pure as blue as the sea and as red as the dawn of Shamash . We are a courageous people like the lion and we fly high like the eagle , but our eye is sharp and our claws tear the Enemy to pieces . We are a tough people who does not know forgiveness and does not give respite in the fight . Nimrod leads us archer like there is no other on Earth . The stars drew him hunting in the sky . We carry with us the Green Stone of Kus so that we don ' t get lost again What more can we ask for ? Stand back , infernal Demons ! because there is an awakened people here who you won ' t be able to frighten nor ever deceive . On guard , you damn Demons ! because an untamed Race has risen that will present You combat to the death .