THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 272

The Mistery of Belicena Villca wonderful pieces of goldsmithing nobody would have suspected that they were actually delicate instruments for channeling telluric energies . The girl is breathtakingly beautiful . She can be watched as she confidently walks through the labyrinth , that she seems to know very well because it can hardly be distinguished the floor , under the dense cloud of ectoplasmic vapor . If she were to go wrong , if she came across a fence , it would be taken as a bad omen and the operation should be suspended until next year . But the Initiate does not hesitate , she has the Thousand Eyes of the Blood open and she sees down there , at the base of the Tower , how telluric energy , like irresistible fire serpent , also roams the resounding labyrinth . And everyone trusts Her , in the terrible mission that she has undertaken , which begins there but continues in other worlds . They trust because she is a magician Initiate , born fifth in a family of dowsers , with blood so blue that the veins are drawn as bushy trees under the transparent skin . Everyone thinks of her as she walks the labyrinth singing the hymn of Kus .
The Hierophants hold their breath as the slender legs of the Initiate skilfully traverse the last sections of the mosaic-labyrinth : now she is about to reach the " exit ". She has succeeded !
But that triumph means death , as will be seen immediately . Right at the end of the labyrinth is the stone and metal column where it shines with a rare brilliance the Hyperborean Emerald . The Initiate stops in front of it and , raising her eyes to heaven , ascends the three steps leading to the base of the column , which is short because the Emerald barely reaches the level of the pubis . Curious thing : the Emerald has been carved in the shape of a vagina , with a central indentation , which is possible to see because it is in the upper facet , which is faced with the roof of the temple . On the contrary , despite being naked , it is not possible to observe the sex of the Initiate because a fold of flesh covers her lower belly , absolutely hairless . This physical characteristic , that today only Bushman women conserve , is the most evident proof of her Atlantean-Hyperborean lineage . The Cro-Magnon women possessed a " natural fur skirt " and the ancient Egyptians of the first dynasties too , as can be seen in numerous bas-reliefs .
The Initiate has traveled the labyrinth , has " guided " the serpent to the upper temple and led it through the stone and metal column . Now her fiery head begins to press under the Hyperborean Emerald magically turning it on and bathing the huge enclosure with green light and all its occupants . Outside the rumbling of drums and flutes has acquired a rhythm so fast and with such intensity that it is impossible to think or do anything other than gazing at the Ziggurat , the turret at the peak surrounded by Nimrod and his archers . The latter , meanwhile , observe through the columns the interior scene , invisible to the people gathered at the base of the Ziggurat .
Fifty-Third Day
It is already noon , the precise moment when Shamash is high . The deep voice of one of the fifty Hierophants addresses the beautiful Initiated , speaking in short sentences , pronounced with the cadence of a ritual prayer :
– Oh Princess Isa : The fate of the Race is in your hands . We have traveled many lands and crossed countless countries , to get here , looking to give the Final Battle . Years of roads and hardships since we left the sacred mountains where we were born twice and on whose summit Kus gathered us and he spoke to us of the Primordial Times .