THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 271

The Mistery of Belicena Villca steeds , the Warrior Angels were clearly rooting for Nimrod . So did women , but it is convenient that we stop for a moment in Them because the mere contemplation of its Hyperborean beauty is enough to illuminate the heart of the most passive man and wrest it from the clutches of Deception . Oh , the Hyperborean women ! So beautiful ! They wore a short skirt fitted at the waist by a thin cord from which it hung , at the side , the scabbard of a graceful and fearsome sword . The crossed arch over the chest and , behind her back , the nourished quiver . The gold and silver braids of a hair that appeared as soft and light as the wind . And the Faces . Who would be capable of describing those forgotten Faces , after millennia of deception and decadence ; Faces that , however , are burned into the warrior ' s Soul , almost always without him knowing it ? who would dare to speak of those sparkling eyes of cold courage that irresistibly incite to fight for the Spirit , to return to the Origin , eyes of steel whose gaze will temper the Spirit until the previous moment to combat but that , after the fight , miraculously , will be like a balm of frozen Love that will heal all wounds , that will calm all pain , that will resurrect eternally the Hero , the one who tenaciously stays on the Path of the Return to the Origin ? And who , finally , would dare to even mention their primordial smiles before which all human gestures pale ; in view of whose singing sounds are extinguished the music and rumors of the earth ; transmuting laughter that could never resonate amid the misery and deception of the material reality and that , therefore , can only be heard by those who also knows how to hear the Voice of the Pure Blood ? Unable to try to sketch the pure image of those Hyperborean women , eternal companions of the Men of Stone , whose projection in the ectoplasmic vapor was produced thanks to the powerful will of the Cainite Initiates . I will only add that these images were huge . While the other figures turned at some distance from the Kassite warriors , They broke loose to embrace and caress them , and then its size could be appreciated . They were twice the height of King Nimrod , the tallest warrior in Borsippa .
The people clearly saw these effusions and , although it was evident that the Goddesses spoke to the warriors in an imperative tone , while pointing towards the heaven , no one , among them , could have heard if really those ghosts emitted some sound because the frenetic rhythm of the flutes , drums , eardrums and harps , was deafening . But maybe the Hyperborean women were speaking directly to the Spirit , perhaps their voices would be heard within each warrior as they say the Augurs feel ...
Wrapped in that frenzy , but momentarily stunned with amazement by the disturbances of the white cloud , the citizens of Borsippa did not notice when one of the Initiates gave up the dance . She ran up the floors that were missing to reach the turret , but before entering the steam took the form of a crowd of winged children who fluttered around her spilling over her head etheric liquids of no less etheric amphorae . However such supernatural manifestations did not stop her . Anointed from head to toe by the graceful cherubs she moved resolutely forward and entered the turret . The fifty Hierophants , noticing her irruption , ceased all chanting , all invocation , and turning they stared at her . At last the Initiate stopped its light step ahead of the entrance to the labyrinth and , without saying a word , she pulled a cord and dropped her robe , becoming completely naked ... except for the jewels . These were extremely strange : four serpentine gold bracelets , which she wore rolled one on each ankle and one on each wrist ; a necklace similar to the bracelets ; a tiara studded with opaque , milky stones ; two earrings and two serpentine rings and a red stone in the navel .
Of the whole set , what impressed the most , due to the exquisite design and skill of the goldsmiths , were the bracelets . Each one went around three times ; those of the left leg and arm with the tail of the snake out and the flattened head into body ; the bracelets wrapped on the leg and right arm showed the serpent as " coming out " of the body ; on the necklace , the snake pointed with its tail towards the ground and the head , strangely double-headed this time , was just under the chin . All snakes had small green stones embedded in the eyes , and the body carved and enameled in bright colors . When seeing these