THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 270

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the temples brings the Memory of the Origin and parades before the inner sight the primal images . It subtracts , in a word , from the miserable reality of the world and carries the true spiritual essence of man . In these magical circumstances it is not strange that an entire people gains the immortality of the Valhalla .
Contrasting with this warrior euphoria , there was a terrible anguish portrayed on the faces of numerous citizens . They were the ones who made up the primitive Habiru population of Borsippa , shepherds and merchants , who had always worshipped the Demiurge Enlil .
According to their traditions , Jehovah Satan had preferred the Sheperd Abel and despised the farmer Cain which is coherent since " shepherd is the trade of the animal man ”, son of Jehovah , according to what the Hyperborean Wisdom teaches . For these reasons they experienced a deep hatred against King Nimrod and the Cainite initiates . A hatred as only cowards can feel , those who , in everything similar to the rams and sheep that they graze , call themselves " shepherds ". That hatred of the warrior is the one that hypocritically disguised exalts the " virtues " of sentimentality , charity , fraternity , equality , and other falsehoods that are well known , for suffering them , in this civilization of sheperds in which the Judeo-Christianity of the Synarchy has sunk us . And that hatred that I am considering arises from and is nurtured by a source called fear .
Fear and Courage : here are two opposites . We have already seen the transmuting power of the courage , whose expression is the Warrior ' s Fury . The fear instead expresses itself by the cowardly and refined hatred , which after multiple distillations gives the envy , resentment , slander and all kinds of insidious feelings . The fear is thus a poison for the purity of blood as the courage is an antidote . The exaltation of courage elevates and transmutes ; it dissolves reality . The exacerbation of fear , on the other hand , sinks in matter and multiplies the chaining to the illusory shapes . That is why the Habiru shepherds of Borsippa muttered the prayers to Enlil while , hypnotized with terror , they gazed at the Cainite ceremony .
In the early morning , when Shamash , the Sun , had just awakened , drums and flutes were already electrifying the air with their monotonous and howling rhythm . On the different terraces of the Tower the Initiated danced wildly while repeating incessantly Kus , Kus , invoking the God of the Race . The Hierophants , fifty in number , officiated the pre-battle rites installed around the enormous labyrinthine mandala built on the floor of the upper turret with lapis lazuli mosaics , an exact replica of the labyrinth at the base of the Ziggurat . Blue was the predominant color throughout the enclosure standing out with an intense and flickering brilliance the great green Emerald consecrated to the Spirit of Venus , the Goddess whom the Semites called Ishtar and the Sumerians Inanna or Ninhursag .
While the Hierophants remained under the roof of the turret above , outside , in the side corridors King Nimrod and his two hundred archers were preparing to die .
The war climax was “ in crescendo ” as the hours passed . Around noon , an ash-colored ectoplasmic vapor could be observed that slipped through the columns of the upper turret and turned languidly around it , wrapping in its whimsical scrolls the imperturbable warriors . Inside the turret , the steam covered the entire enclosure but did not surpass the waist of the tallest of the Hierophants .
The crowd that stood petrified watching the peak of the enormous Tower suddenly witnessed , astonished , a phenomenon of embodiment of the steam . At first , only a few noticed it , but now it was visible to all : the cloud took definite shapes that lingered for a moment to dissolve and re-embody again . The main " motive " of the mysterious reliefs of the steam consisted mainly of figures of " Angels ". Angels or Gods ; but also Goddesses and children . And animals : horses , lions , eagles , dogs , etc . And chariots of war . It was a whole Celestial Army that materialized in the vaporous cloud and slowly spun around the turret . And as chariots of war passed by , drawn by spirited winged