THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 269

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The Guardians of the Threshold also have armor and powerful weapons , among them , for example the " Om ray ", an Atlantean weapon with which the sweet " Masters of Wisdom " of Chang Shambhala often disintegrate disciples who are disobedient .
It seems like a terrible enemy , armed like this , but that is pure appearance , only material power . Nimrod ' s warriors would bear the Hyperborean Sign of Hk , the Rune of Fire that no " Immortal Demon " can face . And much less the Two Hundred Hyperborean Traitors . That Sign represents for Them the truth , the inevitable memory of the abandoned Divine Origin . And , as with the Gorgon , it is not possible for Them to look at it without taking serious risk .
When the Tower was ready it was placed , in the turret at the top , a metallic column of iron , copper , silver and gold , topped with a gigantic Emerald . This stone had been given to the Kassites by the God Kus when he engaged them in the fight with the Demiurge Enlil , Jehovah Satan , whose Dwelling was in Babylon . And according to what the Initiates told between whispers , the Sacred Stone had been brought from Venus by the Gods who accompanied Kus when they came to Earth , before man existed . During the many decades that the journey of the " barbarians " lasted , from the slope of Mount Elbruz , in the Caucasus , the possession of this " Present of Heaven " was the encouragement that made it possible to face all kinds of penalties . It was the Center around which the Race was formed ; it was the Oracle that made it possible to hear the Voice of God and was the Tabula regia where the Names of the Kings could be read . It was also the Primordial Sign before which the Demons would recoil in terror and against which no infernal potency had power . Through it would open in the Heaven , the Hell ' s Gate , and relentless combat would be waged against the servants of the one who chained the Eternal Spirit to Matter . Many peoples have been called " barbarians " by other more " civilized " peoples , alluding to their " savagery " and " unconsciousness ". But you need to be a " barbarian " to agree with the Gods and take part in the Essential War . Only the guarantee of the blood purity of some " barbarians ", intrepid and immune to satanic traps , can decide the Gods to put in the world the cornerstone of a Sacred Race . In other words , the " traps ", the temptations of Matter , are lying everywhere and that is why you need to be a " barbarian " or a " fanatic ", but also naive , " like a child ", or like Parsifal , the pure madman of the Arthurian legend .
After the construction of the Ziggurat , messengers were sent to the remaining Kassite towns and villages as its Kingdom included Nineveh and other minor cities , as well as numerous northern camps that reached as far as Lake Van and even reached the slopes of the Ararat . Thousands of Ambassadors came to Borsippa to appreciate the Tower of Nimrod and pay homage to Ishtar the Goddess of Venus and Kus its racial God , husband of Ishtar . As well came from the South , from Babylon which they had just conquered , a small number of their Hittite cousins , with whom the Kassites left together many decades ago , from the Caucasus .
Everything was prepared for the summer solstice , the day that Chang Shambhala is " closer " to our physical plane . That day the town of Borsippa was gathered next to the great Ziggurat and a contrast of emotions was guessed on all the faces . The Kassite invaders , hunters and farmers , that is to say , Cainites , openly demonstrated their wild joy at completing an undertaking that had absorbed several generations . And in that raging joy the yearning for the next fight throbbed . An old Aryan proverb says : “ the fury of the warrior is sacred when his cause is just ”. But if that thirst for justice leads to face an Enemy a thousand times superior , then necessarily a miracle must occur , a mutation of the human nature that takes him further beyond the material limits , outside of Karma and the Eternal Return . Leonidas in the Thermophylae is no longer human . He will be a Hero , a Titan , a God , but never a common man . That is why the people of Nimrod in their holy fury sensed the next collective mutation ; he felt elevated and saw the deceptive reality of the Demiurge Enlil dissolve . They boiled of courage and thus drastically purified their blood . And that Pure Blood , seething with fury and courage , crowding