THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 268

The Mistery of Belicena Villca dominated the plaza and their Cainite Initiates performed the Rituals necessary to " calm " the Serpent of Fire .
Immediately afterwards they put into practice an adequate Strategy for the imminent offensive . From it we must highlight two tasks that demonstrate the ability of the Cainite Initiates . The first consisted of training an Elite able to resist the powerful magic that the " Demons " would use when opening " The Gate of Hell ". This Hyperborean Elite , distant ancestor of the SS , would have the sacred mission to exterminate the Demons , a mind-blowing work in which they would surely lose their life or their reason .
The other task was perhaps the simplest to perform but the one that would require greater dexterity in the management of the Hyperborean Wisdom : build the " magic Tower ” that , thanks to the harmony of its exact dimensions , its shape and its functionality , channels the telluric energy dispersing it around the “ Eye of the Spiral ” of energy . In the architecture of Temples the most important thing , from the point of view of the " ritual functionality ", is the plane of the base , its symbol . The most commonly used are : the circular , cross or octagonal base , although they have also been built with a rectangular , pentagonal , hexagonal base , etc . But in the Hyperborean architecture of war are often constructed buildings similar to fortresses whose base plane is almost always a " labyrinth ". This figure should be used due to technical requirements of the channeling of telluric energies and I can add that the application of the " labyrinth technique " is another of the seven ways to open induced doors . Of course , I will not stop repeating , that the products of these hyperborean techniques are not automatic , that is , they include in their functionality the participation of trained men .
Nimrod ' s war plan then consisted of three steps : 1st .) open the door to the plane of Chang Shambhala ; 2nd .) access the famous Threshold of the synarchic initiation ; 3rd .) attack , attack , attack ...
To complement this colossal Strategy there were a series of logistic details such as the choice of weapons or the possibility of using the ancient " magic armors " of Atlantis . Regarding the weapons the Cainite Initiates decided that the warriors would use arrows built according to an old formula : the feathers would be of ibis ; the rods , of acacia from the Caucasus ; and the stone tips would be small stalactites perfectly conical collected from deep and mysterious caverns that a shaman tradition claims are connected to the Hyperborean Kingdom of Agartha .
As for the " magic armor " it is easy to imagine today , in light of the modern electronic technology , what would a " precipitating electrostatic field of matter ” look like , enveloping the whole body . However this " electronic shell ", called magic in the time of Nimrod , was a common defense in the days of Atlantis , up to about 12,000 years ago . The Cainite Initiates only managed to endow for a few hours of such a protective field to King Nimrod and his General Ninurta because no one else in the people had the necessary conditions of purity to apply the ancient technique . Only two warriors when Atlantis had entire armies using the " metal coat "! This technique suffered a slow degradation until it disappeared completely due to the blood confusion . In the beginning , when the Gods came to Earth millions of years ago , they clothed their physical body with a " cuirass of fire ". Later in distant Lemuria , the Initiates , Kings and warriors , materialized minerals so they used to be called " Men of Stone ". And finally in the middle of the Atlantean Kaly Yuga , the Traitor Gods materialized metal armors around their body that protected them from blows of sword or spear in the manner of our medieval chain mail . The Atlantean cuirass of materialized metal is , on the other hand , the origin of the Jewish legend according to which Nimrod possessed the " garments " that Adam and Eve wore in Paradise . He would have gotten them from Ham , one of Noah ' s sons and , later , after fighting with Esau , another great hunter , he would have lost them . These legends are found in the Talmudic Midrash Sefer Hayashar ( 12th century ) and Pirque Rabli Eliezer ( 90-130 A . D .) and also in the Babylonian Talmud ( 500 A . D .), etc .