THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 267

The Mistery of Belicena Villca and which have the surprising characteristic of occurring only in the conscience of the adept for it is a miserable illusion . The " Immortals " of Chang Shambhala will never make anyone participate in their meetings except to destroy him , however , there are not few imbeciles who think they know the sancta sanctorum of the White Fraternity and its " Planetary Instructor ", the King of the World .
But there is another way of " crossing the Threshold " that does not require humiliations or promises and that does not imply the total blood confusion of the man as in the case of the synarchic initiation . It is the one that consists of standing proudly , arms in hand , before the Guardians of the Threshold ... and destroy them .
It will be said then , but where is the Threshold ? Isn ' t it an " initiatory " symbol ? It is not . The Synarchic Strategy is based on confusing , that is , making dark what should be light . And a widely used tactic is to give unreal sense , symbolic , to what you want to hide and , on the other hand , exalt as real and concrete what you want to " reveal ". Thus , a reality like the existence of " induced " or " dimensional " doorways is considered by the reasonable people a fantasy and , for example , utopias such as communism , socialism , the U . N . or the World Government , are fanatically regarded as real possibilities .
The Threshold , that is , the entrance to the plane in which the Immortal Demons dwell , can be determined and opened if you have an appropiate technique . The Hyperborean Wisdom teaches how to open " induced doors ", for use in offensive tactics , in seven different ways . One is by using the lithic technology . Another is Vrunic . A third takes advantage of the telluric energies . A fourth is phonetic , etc . But all are based on the distortion of space , on the intersection of planes , and in the time domain .
Once opened the Door , by any system , you must proceed with energy and decision to inflict as many casualties as possible on the Enemy . This possibility may produce surprise but the truth is that the " Immortal Demons " of Chang Shambhala can die . These " Immortals ", " Masters of Wisdom ", Gurus , Golen , Sages of Zion , Men in Black , etc ., are hopelessly linked to the Demiurge . They are Immortal as long as the material " Creation " lasts , that is to say , as long as the Demiurge keeps his will set in the manifestation . Its existence is the fate of the animal man . But keep in mind that on the " White Island " of Chang Shambhala , along with the " Immortal Demons ", coexist , in a higher hierarchy , the Two Hundred Hyperboreans from Venus that caused the collective mutation on Earth and chained the Eternal Spirits in the animal-men that the Demiurge had created . The Two Hundred Hyperboreans are the Traitor Gods of Atlantis and the Lords of the Flame of Lemuria . They are truly Immortal but as they have taken a physical body in order to copulate with the Human Race , fulfilling their absurd roles of Manu , they can be violently disincarnated , an action that , apart from upseting their plans , has the virtue of destroying the genetic matrix of the alleged root Races .
It is then possible to kill the Immortals , who are only Immortals if violence is not exerted against Them because they inhabit a space fold in which time passes in a different way , so that their bodies remain physiologically stable at a “ certain age ”. With this terrible affirmation I will close here the doctrinal parenthesis that I opened earlier . We are already , in the light of the above , in a position to interpret the feat of the Hyperborean King Nimrod . For example , the Kassites can now be qualified as great racial power for having carried , according to the previous definition , the theater of operations to the Lair of the Immortal Demons . I will continue then , with the story .
I will repeat what was said at the beginning . The Kassites had made a pact with their God Archer Kus to participate in the Essential Contention . They were fearsome warriors , perfectly capable of dealing with beasts , men or Demons .
They wandered for years until the Cainite Initiates decided that the most powerful “ Serpent of Fire ”, that is : the telluric energy vortex , is found within the city limits of Borsippa , which already existed and was inhabited by a tribe of Habiru shepherds . This did not represent any difficulty for a people determined to fight infernal Demons . In a short period of time the Kassites