THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 266

The Mistery of Belicena Villca towns and cities demanded the contest of specially gifted Initiates . It was the same for the elevation of idols or sacred effigies whose utility , which was not the mere adoration , today has been forgotten . The most important element that was taken into account for such foundations was the location of the telluric energy currents . Second were the astrological coordinates to which , however , the blindness of men tends to give prominence in some Epochs . Precisely the power or survival of any city depends on the correct geographical location in which they are built and if , for example , cities such as Rome or Jerusalem have lasted for millennia is because they are based on great centers of force . Thousands of years ago those in charge of specifying the site of a city were called Cainites , sacrificer Initiates who knew the Magic of the Spilled Blood . These sacred murderers , who were dowsers , that is , " sensitive " to the forces of the Earth , after detecting a suitable vortex made the human sacrifice destined to " polarize " the telluric energy and obtain a phenomenon of " resonance " with the Blood of the Race , so that the place becomes a " friend " of its inhabitants and " enemy " of future invaders . Of such ritual murders for example , we remember Romulus that to ensure the inviolability of the walls of Rome had to execute his twin Remus , etc .
I will make a brief parenthesis to consult the Hyperborean Wisdom on some guidelines that need to be taken into account , in order to interpret correctly the war action undertaken by King Nimrod .
It can be properly considered that the power of a people to free itself from the satanic yoke of the Synarchy depends directly on the esoteric-Hyperborean conditions of its Initiates . If there are men awake , sufficiently capable of locating telluric energy currents and vortices , and they do not despise the combat that inevitably entails this “ position taking ”, then the Race is on the way to mutation , it has become a Hyperborean " closed circle ". For reasons of blood purity its always the peoples called " barbarians " who are closest to these Hyperborean praxis ; but those same peoples , as they become civilized , or synarchyzed , lose power , and then their possibility of mutation is weakened . The Hyperborean racial purity of a people is evaluated in the capacity of its men to awaken the Memory of Blood . The Hyperborean racial power of a people is its capacity to oppose the illusory reality of the material world . It means taking an active part in the Essential War and therefore it supposes some Hyperborean strategic conception . Power is evaluated then for the clarity of the goals and strategic objectives that are capable of formulating the men and by the effective steps that are taken in this regard . The result of the action is never qualified by some material guideline ; even more : the action is never rated at all . For the Hyperborean Wisdom what matters is the Strategy ; that is : the clarity of goals and objectives and the way of obtaining them , that is , the power . In any case , the action qualifies itself , regardless of the " results ". The " success " or " failure " of an action does not make sense in the Hyperborean Strategy since such words refer to concepts made from an incorrect perception of the world , of Maya , the illusion . This can be illustrated by an old Hyperborean sentence that says : “ for the Wise Warriors every war lost on Earth is a war won in other Heavens ”.
Returning to the Hyperborean concept of racial power , I can say that , in general , a powerful people is one that , having identified the Enemy , passes to the war action within the framework of a " Hyperborean Strategy ". And in particular , that a people of great power is one capable of crossing the threshold and moving the theater of operations to the plane of the Immortals .
There are many ways to cross the threshold . The sleeping men , the " Initiates " in synarchic Satanism , for example , do so during their " Ritual Death ", crawling abjectly before the sinister " Guardians of the Threshold ”, sometimes wrongly called “ Watchmen ”, “ Watchers ” or “ Egregores ”. After demonstrating their " evolution " through oaths , pacts and alliances they receive the " enlightenment ", that is , they lose all contact with the Origin and suffer the definitive chaining to the Universal Plan of the Demiurge Jehovah Satan . Then they can cross the Threshold and " participate " in a thousand ceremonies or different covens , according to the sect or religion that " initiated " them ,