THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 265

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Christian of Denmark requests his cousin , King Alfonso V of Portugal , “ a very good pilot and cartographer to guide his next expedition to Thule ”, which was aimed at “ locating the Christian colonies of those from whom there was no news for more than a hundred years ”. It was the opportunity awaited by the Rabbis : the remarkable influences that the Hebrews then possessed in the Portuguese court are put into play to facilitate the appointment of Quiblon as pilot of the trip to Greenland : they get it easily , appearing in the royal warrant as Johannes Scolvus . In 1477 , therefore , Quiblon appeared in front of to the shores of Greenland , ready to employ all of his Science , and his faith in the One Creator , to close the Gate of Thule : he succeeds in his mission , and the White Fratenity , and all Jewry , understand that with Quiblon has come to Earth one of the Highest Priests in History , one who will be able to speak with the Word of Metatron .
The expedition of Scolvus , Columbus , found no one in Greenland in 1477 . But since then the Thule Door will be closed again . He is a great Hebrew Magician , perhaps as great as Solomon , the one who has reached the frozen lands of the North to fulfill the Ritual , to pronounce the Words , to express the Gestures . It was necessary that it be so because the Door was forced by a brave Viking people , of the purest Hyperborean blood , against whom nothing the magic of the Golen can do . Well , it has always been this way : the Golen have easily dominated the Celts , Iberians , Ligurians , Basques , Phoenicians , Carthaginians , and even Latins , but , in the case of the Germans , it is necessary that the greatest Masters of the infernal arts take care of them .
I understand , Dr . Siegnagel , that it is almost impossible to understand in what Quiblon ' s mission consisted if I do not clarify the nature of that " close the Gate of Thule ” performed in Greenland . However , what corresponds is to explain how the aforementioned Door to K ´ Taagar , or Agartha , was opened , and what other action did the Vikings take before leaving , action of war normally executed by all the peoples of Pure Blood in situations alike , and which caused the worried reaction of the Demons of the White Fraternity . Starting tomorrow , then , I will tell you in a few words the story of Nimrod , the Defeated , a King of Antiquity who knew how to open the Door and hit the Enemy before departing : its knowledge will clarify completely the question .
Fifty-Second Day
In the second millennium B . C . an invasion brought the Kassite Hyperboreans to Assyria . They were natives of the Caucasus and carried a Stone of Venus next to the banner of the lion-headed eagle . The eagle with the lion ' s head and wings deployed , imprisoned between its claws two rams that were the symbol of the God Enlil , Jehovah Satan , worshiped in Mesopotamia by all the tribes , among them the Hamite or Habiru shepherds who would go with Abraham to Palestine and Egypt . This same banner would be carried after , thousands of years later , by other " barbarian " peoples , also from the Caucasus , this time from Germanic Race , but between the eagle ' s claws would no longer be found the rams but the lamb , symbol of that God of the shepherds who tried to usurp the Millennial Hyperborean figure of Kristos Lucifer .
The Kassites came following the dictates of their Archer God Kus who had made a pact with its Initiates in order for the said people to participate in the Essential War . In the City of Borsippa , north of Nineveh , King Nimrod using the numerical technique of the Ziggurats had a huge tower built over a telluric energy vortex . Here is what was intended : “ to attack the Abode of the Immortal Demons ”, that is , Chang Shambhala . This purpose , which today may seem the product of an unbridled fantasy , is nevertheless perfectly possible and the proof of this is in the success achieved by Nimrod when his Elite of Warrior Archers targeted and downed several of the " Immortal Demons ".
In ancient times , when the influence of the Kaly Yuga was not so important and in some Atlantean remnants were still preserved the memories of the Hyperborean Wisdom and the war against the Demiurge , the task of founding