THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 264

The Mistery of Belicena Villca barbarian and pagan peoples of Denmark , Sweden and Norway . It is then that one of the last Stones of Venus that remained in the power of the peoples of the Blood Pact is transported to Greenland It is done by Erik the Red , a Wise Warrior of singular courage , whose determination leads him to the impossibility of returning to his homeland : he would be the one who would give its current name , Green Land , to the frozen island in the year 986 . And his family would form a Lineage of Noyos and Vrayas that would take care of the Stone in the following centuries , when cultural relations with the European peoples had already been reestablished . Those relationships would attract Catholic missionaries towards the Viking settlements , but the Stone would not fall to the Golen for the Custodians would hide it in extremely wild Northwest Greenlandic Regions .
In 999 , Leif Eriksson brings the first Catholic priest , who is followed by many more on successive trips ; however , the resistance of the Northwestern to the Cultural Pact would extend throughout the 11th century . Either way , Erik the Red ' s prosperous colony , with more than 200 farms , already had 12 churches and two convents in 1124 . Pope Paschal II appoints the first Bishop , Erik Gnupsson in 1121 , followed by sixteen more until 1409 . In 1290 reached the island the First Domini Canis , Thor Bjorn , who is in charge of fighting the Golen and calls a member of the House of Tharsis to his aid . Thus it is founded , in Gardar , the famous Monastery of Our Lady of Thule , where they were written two poems of the Edda , the Atlakvidha and the Atlanmal . In Gardar , precisely , there was the Golen Monastery of Saint Bernard . And in this City would center the fiercest opposition between the Golen and the Domini Canis , because the first suspected that the Stone of Venus was very near and they were reluctant to leave the place without having found it . At last , in 1312 , thanks to a bull from Clement V , who had just finished off the Templar Synarchy in combination with Philip the Fair , the Golen are forced to leave Gardar : it is then that the Viking Noyos declare to the people of Gardar to have seen the Lithic Sign of K ' Taagar in the Stone of Venus , a stone attributed to a Wothan heritage that they even call " the Eye of Wothan ". The Noyos propose to the people of Gardar to leave to where the Stone points and everyone accepts , preparing immediately for war : why ? it is what I will explain from tomorrow , Dr . Siegnagel . The important thing now is to know that not only the population of Gardar , but the entirety of the Greenlanders , except for a few Catholic priests who conveniently hid themselves so as not to be executed by the enraged Vikings , decided to leave " for the Valhalla , the Abode of the Gods ”.
It is that those people of Pure Blood , suddenly woke up to the Hyperborean Wisdom that arises from the Eternal Spirit and freed itself from the spell of the Cultural Pact : it had transmuted and only longed to leave for the Origin , without mattering the nature of the Enemy that stood in its way . In 1354 the King of Norway , Erik Magnusson , who learned that the people of Greenland " had returned to paganism " and " was preparing to abandon the establishments ”, sends his official ship “ The Greenland Knarr ” under the command of Paul Knutson in order to find out what happened . Golen Bishop Arni travels on the expedition , who leads the mission of " evangelizing " again the Northwest settlers : but in Greenland they find absolutely no one , even though Arni encourages them to explore the region inch by inch until 1363 , when he died . From that moment there would be several expeditions that the Kings of Norway would dispatch in the next hundred years to find out the fate of their subjects and attempt to repopulate the abandoned colonies : such attempts would prove useless , because they would never get to know what happened to the ten thousand Vikings nor there would be any who wanted to inhabit the ghostly cities .
However , the action of the Greenland Vikings would cause a great concern to the Demons of the White Fraternity , those who , from their Den in Chang Shambhala , would impose on Quiblon the test of closing the Gate of Thule as a means of accessing the Highest Priesthood of the Order of Melchizedek . In 1476 Quiblon resided in Portugal , where he studied the Hidden Arts and held a position as cartographer in the Tesouraria of the King . That year King