THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 263

The Mistery of Belicena Villca del Campo the first inquisitors , the Dominican friars , Miguel Morillo and Juan de San Martín , who will act legally seconded by Friar Felipe de Turdes and Ricardo de Tharsis , uncle and father of Lito de Tharsis , respectively . Two edicts drawn up by them , granting a term for the repentance of the heretics , after which they would be judged , produced numerous conversions , but nothing prevented two thousand Jews from being burned in less than a year .
When in 1483 the prior of the Convent of Santo Domingo de Segovia , Friar Thomas de Torquemada , is appointed Inquisitor General of the Crown of Castile , Friar Felipe de Turdes and Ricardo de Tharsis go on to review as their legal advisers , who are entrusted with the drafting of the Manual of the Modern inquisition . The application of these laws would clearly demonstrate how it was useless to pretend the conversion to Christianity of the Jews , to which they falsely agreed while continuing to practice Satanism in secret . Faced with the evidence , the Catholic Monarchs decreed on March 31 , 1492 the expulsion of the Jews from the Kingdoms of Castile and Aragón within four months , a more benign measure than that of Philip the Fair but equally effective . Asylum was given to them again by Portugal because his King , João II , had been educated by Jewish instructors and completely underestimated the danger those represented for the health of the Kingdom . But this time the protection would not last long , because in 1495 João II died , leaving as heir to the crown Manuel I : unfortunately for the Hebrews this King was married to a daughter of the Catholic Monarchs and highly enlightened about the motives of the Spanish Inquisition . In 1497 he signed a decree similar to the Castilian of 1492 , by which Jews are expelled from Portuguese territory . The fate of the Chosen People would now lead to Holland , particularly Amsterdam , which earned the nickname of " The New Jerusalem ”, and other important cities , as well as the Netherlands , where they soon controlled the springs of power , practiced the speculation and turned those nations into the banking and Masonic powers that we know today .
Behind all these Spanish persecutions against the Chosen People , naturally , there was the House of Tharsis , which tried to stop the arrival of Quiblon . But such a goal , as Captain Kiev suggested , would be very difficult to achieve : in 1484 the Great Hebrew Magician was already in Spain and in 1492 he would consecrate the " new lands of India ", inhabited by three “ sacrificeable ” peoples , to the “ Glory of Jehovah God ”.
Quiblon was a converted Jew from Galicia , whom in the Middle Ages were called Gynovese . He was secretly educated as a Rabbi and Kabbalist . To favor his High Mission , an apocryphal story was soon invented , obscuring all the data that allowed to know his origin and erasing the traces of his footsteps . This would be dealt with during the following centuries by his Race brothers . As required by the Kabbalah for those who are to receive from the Shekhinah the Voice of Metatron , the Rabbi should possess Seventy Names ; of which we know only a few : Scolnus , Scolvus , Scolvo , Skolvus , Skolvo , Kolonus , Scolom , Skolum , Colum , Colom , Colombo , Colón , etc . It is worth to say , that I am referring to Cristophoro Colombo or Christopher Columbus , the famous Admiral better known for the " discovery " of the American continent than for his esoteric activities .
Quiblon came to fulfill the prophecies of Bera and Birsha , to offer the Holocaust of Water , Mem , to YHVH Sebaoth ; and for this he had prepared for many years and been through many definitive tests . In particular , Quiblon must have shown his mastery in order to open the Gates of Paradise and close Hell ' s Doors . This last proof was demonstrated in 1477 , when he traveled to Greenland as a Danish Navy pilot to close the Gates of Thule . It is convenient to refer to this Major Magic operation to understand his subsequent actions .
It all begins with an inexplicable and disturbing event that occurred in the 14th century : the Viking population of Greenland , about ten thousand people during the thirteenth century , disappeared without a trace in the following century . To understand what happened we must go back to the tenth century , to the time when the Golen Catholics control the Normans and advance towards Northern Europe , submitting to blood and fire the