THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 262

The Mistery of Belicena Villca production , completely abandoned by the Lords of Tharsis in the last centuries . Thus , as if the millennia had not passed , the gold and the silver were once again extracted from the mountains by the Lords of Tharsis . Despite the attention that the new situation demanded , towards the middle of the fourteenth century everything was under control : by then , five of those six initiates had already secluded themselves in the Secret Cavern .
When the Valentinians arrived in Huelva , the County belonged to Seville . Alfonso XI of Castile yielded it in 1338 to the Grand Master of Santiago , with which the Golen danger reappeared : besides being a Celtic Order eminently Golen , many Templars had taken refuge in it after the process promoted by Clement V , and then they began to infest the region . However , fourteen years later , the infant Don Pedro takes it away from the Great Master to give as a gift to María Padilla . At the end of the 14th century the House of Las Cerdas , of the Kings of Castile , gives it as a dowry of one of its Ladies and is now held by the Dukes of Medina Sidonia , until the end of this story .
The influence of the House of Tharsis on the Order of Preachers is maintained in the following years , as the Circulus Domini Canis continued operating in secret , trying to direct the Inquisition against members of the Chosen People and the Golen , seeking to promote the Mystic Nation model legally perfected during the reign of Philip the Fair and materialized in part by that Great King . This influence was felt , above all , in Spain , where thanks to the popular enlightenment campaigns of many preachers , among them Don Ferrán Martínez , Provisor of the Archbishopric of Seville and Lord of the Dog , were unleashed violent persecutions against Jews culminating in the 1391 massacres in Seville , Córdoba , Toledo , Écija , Logroño , Burgos , Ocaña , and thirty other regions . From Castile , that fire went on to Aragón ; in Valencia the people exterminated five thousand Jews and in Barcelona about eleven thousand ; until the Balearic Islands reached the popular fury against the followers of Jehovah Satan . In danger of being annihilated in Castile and Aragón , they found safe refuge in Portugal , where the marrano Don Moisés Navarro , entrenched in the Government , had obtained two local bulls from the Popes Clement VII and Boniface IX , who prevented the compulsive conversion of the Jews ; that Hebrew invasion , however , was to cause in short term the hostility from Christian settlers .
The Valencian Dominican Saint Vicente Ferrer , who possessed the charisma of the gift of languages and had preached in all the countries of Europe in their own languages , actively participated in the anti-Hebrew campaign : he was the one who inspired the bull of Benedict XIII that prohibited the Israelites from possessing the Talmud and forced them " to wear tabards with a bright red sign so that it could be known to all and it would be possible to avoid the damage that their treatment brings to the Christians ”. This was in 1412 , when the persistent Israelites began to return en masse to Spain . Soon the persecutions were resumed , which were acquiring such fury that in 1473 led to the Chosen People to propose to King Henry IV the sale or rental of the City of Gibraltar to settle in it , a very Hebrew solution that was logically rejected .
After the death of this King , his sister , Isabel I , married to Fernando of Aragón , received the Throne of Castile . In 1478 the Catholic Monarchs addressed Pope Sixtus IV to request the dictation of a bull authorizing the operation of the Inquisition in Castile ; the purpose : to prosecute those guilty of heresy , especially the Jews . Quickly issued , the bull allowed the formation of the Courts of the Holy Office , entrusted to the Order of Dominican Preachers . The promoter of that initiative of the Catholic Monarchs was the prior of the Dominican of Seville , Friar Alonso de Ojeda , Lord of the Dog , who knew how to convince Queen Isabel of the advisability of involving the Inquisition in combat against the satanic forces . At first the bull only acted as one more threat , but thanks to the tireless management of the Domini Canis , Friar Alonso de Ojeda , the Provisor Don Pedro de Solis , the assistant Don Diego de Merlo , and the King ' s secretary , Pedro Martínez Camano , the Kings are persuaded of the need to implement the Inquisition with all its vigor to remove Judaism and heresy from the social body . Thus , the Kings appoint in Medina