THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 261

The Mistery of Belicena Villca of his heritage in the East although without abandoning the Spanish family base of Turdes . Now they would all settle in Austria , while the Valentinians would leave Saint Félix de Caraman to settle in Spain . From here , Dr . Siegnagel , I will refer only to the branch of the Valentinians , from which I descend , to continue the story . About the Vrunaldians the only thing I will comment is that they fulfilled their mission to perfection : they became strong in Austria and when the expected Emperor , Rudolf II Habsburg , emerged , constituted with the invaluable collaboration of the English John Dee and seven families of the German Nobility , the Einherjar Secret Society ; such a Society functioned for more than three hundred years in the most absolute secrecy , acquiring its members the Highest Hyperborean Wisdom , as High as ever possessed formerly by the House of Tharsis ; in the 19th and 20th centuries they gave birth to several external Orders intended to Announce the masses of sleeping men the next Coming of the Great Chief of the White Race and locate him to administer the Hyperborean Initiation ; the penultimate of those Orders was the Thulegesellschaft , charged with guiding the Führer Adolf Hitler born at the end of the 19th century , to the Stone Men of the Einherjar ; and the last of the Orders formed by Them was the Black Order SS secretly inspired by the Thulegesellschaft , but actually run by the Men of Stone of the super secret Einherjar ; the Vrunaldians thus achieved the Honor of accompanying the Great White Chief , the Führer , in his Total War against the Powers of Matter , as the Lord of Venus had predicted so many centuries before .
John Dee
The Valentinians were then the only representatives of the House of Tharsis in Spain ; especially , the only ones who would dedicate themselves to fulfill the family mission . From Saint Félix de Caraman they were accompanied by ten of the descendants of Arnaldo Tiber , who wished to continue living near their cousins . They settled in the old Manor House and established excellent relations with the Catalan population of Turdes , which was pleased with those new Lords coming from the Languedoc who understood their native language . The Noyo resumed the Guard in the Secret Cavern and soon had the company of another Man of Stone who , still impressed by his experience with the Lord of Venus , had decided to consecrate himself to the Custody of the Wise Sword . In a similar situation were found the six attendees at the meeting in Saint Félix de Caraman , but it would not be possible for everyone to leave the World because it had to be payed attention to the patrimonial interests of the House . Spain industrialized rapidly and required , in the main cities , all sorts of raw materials ; in Turdes , the new town of Catalan origin reactivated the mineral