THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 260

The Mistery of Belicena Villca the Sons of Vrunalda of Tharsis intervene : with this objective they will have to move from now to their estates of Germania , where the Ladies will be head of the Lineage and will support the fiction of their German and Catalan lineage . There they will remain alert until the Epoch when a German Emperor arises , affectionate to the Hyperborean Wisdom : He , with the collaboration of other people who at that time will join You , will be the one who lays the foundations of the future Order in which the Envoy will receive the Highest Initiation . That Lineage of Tharsis , What a Honor for Him ! will stand alongside the Great White Chief when he declares Total War to the Powers of Matter . Because the Hyperborean Wisdom of that Lineage , of that Blood of Tharsis , will cause the First Coming of the Envoy of the Lord of the War !
The Children of Valentina of Tharsis , on the other hand , will have to return to Spain and settle permanently in Turdes . There they will dedicate themselves to keep the Wise Sword and fulfill the family mission , until the Epoch when a Stone Man will emerge who will see in the Stone of Venus the Lithic Sign of K ' Taagar . Such an image will show him a path , which he must follow without hesitating . He will then take the Wise Sword and , accompanied by the remaining Men of Stone of the lineage of Valentina , will leave for a distant and unknown Country where he will be the head of a new Lineage . Yes , Lords of Tharsis ! That Initiate will be allowed to initiate the Race by transmitting the family inheritance by male line ! But , after Him , his descendants will continue the matrilineal initiatory tradition and it will be proven that the Men of Stone still come from that line ! And that Lineage of Tharsis , What a glory theirs ! will actively participate in the Final Battle ! Because the Hyperborean Wisdom of that Race , of that Blood of Tharsis , will cause the Second Coming of the Envoy of the Lord of the War !
Finally , I will give You a warning . When failing the plans of the White Brotherhood in Europe , there is a part of them that has also been neutralized and of which You ignore everything : it is the one that refers to the mission of Quiblon , the Great Sacrificer . He was coming to Announce the Glory and Victory of Israel with the Synarchy of the Chosen People , and he was going to offer three peoples as a Holocaust to The One . The Synarchy will not be able to materialize for now due to Your determined action , but it is possible that in a not too distant Time the Enemy sends Quiblon anyway to force the march of History : it will then be very difficult to stop him . You can only attempt a general attack against the Chosen People , to whose Race He will belong , but most likely will get to fulfill his mission . But this will not prevent the Destiny of Glory of the House of Tharsis from being fulfilled .
Lords of Tharsis : I have said everything I had to say and it is not appropriate , for strategic reasons , to add nothing else . I reiterate the greeting of Navutan and I say goodbye until the Final Battle . Or until you coincide with me in another kairos . Grace and Honor , Blood of Tharsis ! --wished them the Lord of Venus , as he raised his right arm to express the bala mudra .
– Hail , Captain Kiev ! – answered the Men of Stone , practicing also the bala mudra , which was the ancient secret greeting of the House of Tharsis .
Fifty-First Day
Immediately after the greeting , the Lord of Venus turned his body and penetrated through the illuminated vertex of the right angle , leaving behind him the Men of Stone in deep thought . The first to react was the Noyo , who observed that the Stone had disappeared along with Captain Kiev : my ancestors , Dr . Siegnagel , despite all their Hyperborean Wisdom , did not come to understand , at that moment , that the Stone was the Lord of Venus .
The next day , the Family Council decided to comply exactly with the instructions received .
That Noble , who accepted Vrunalda as his legitimate daughter , did not leave other heirs to his Austrian Manors than his supposed grandchildren . The children and grandchildren of these , including the twelve present , took care