THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 259

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
Because that ' s how it is ! The World where You live and where the Enemy has been recently defeated , will be the Real World for the Lords of Venus and for Navutan , the Lord of the War ! In this World will start the Final Battle , when Man definitively faces the Powers of Matter ! And in this World , the World of the Lords of Tharsis , must be realized all those who try to liberate their Eternal Spirit and leave towards the Origin , the Warriors , the Heroes , the Hyperborean Initiates , the true Gnostics , the Men of Stone ! Hear : Those who seek and find the Blood of Tharsis in their World will seat the Spirit on the Cold Stone that is in the Origin , in the Stone that is sustained outside the Created Universe and that will still be in the Origin when the Created Universe no longer exists ! Conversely , those who pretend to ignore the Blood of Tharsis , or are not able to find it , will found their World in Illusion and be turned into Bleach at the End of Time , when All Returns to The One at the End of His Day of Manifestation , when the End is equal to the Beginning , and the Illusion dissolves into nothingness , and only The One exists in His simple eternity .
Because only the Spirit is Eternal ! Who does not find his Spirit will die of Final Death even though he thinks he is Immortal . And the first who are going to die are the Souls that are Closest to the End , where they have approximated looking for a chimerical and vain archetypal perfection . Those whose Souls evolve by imitating the Final Goal proposed by the One Creator God , those who deceive themselves by identifying Good with the “ Universal Peace ” and deprive their Spirit of the opportunity to fight , those who worship the One Creator God and love the Material Universe , those who fear Jehovah Satan and serve the Powers of Matter , those who persist in affirming that the Spirit is Created and want to bring It on his knees in front of the supposed Creator , those who shelter under the Dove of Israel , those who make up the Hierarchy of the White Fraternity , the Priests of all Cults and those who believe that one can be a " Gnostic " and a Priest at the same time : Those will die of Final Death ! Those will be reduced to Bleach by Will of its Creator !
In summary : Those who participate in the Cultural Pact will live in the Illusion of the Soul and they will die of Final Death ! And those who remember the Pact of Blood , and find the Blood of Tharsis , will live in the Reality of the Spirit and will eternalize Beyond the Origin !
Do you understand , Lords of Tharsis , what it means to other Captive Spirits the Reality of Your World ?: Your House has made a commitment to man , to whom you have shown that you can triumph over Evil , you can defeat the Demons . From now on , Your mission will be to accompany History without entering History . Because before the End You will contribute to break History and start the Final Battle . You will have to be attentive to History , and monitor the movements of the Enemy in History , to act in the opportune moment . A Great White Chief will then come to Your World : He will possess the Power to raise the Final Battle against the Enemy of the Spirit . He will be an Envoy of the Lord of the War and will follow the path indicated by You : you will design , build , and keep clear that way ; and you will use for it the Time that is necessary , the Centuries demanded by the Illusion of History .
The Great White Chief , the Lord of the Absolute Will and Courage , will come once , twice , three times , to Your World . The first time , He will break History , but he will go away , and cause the foolish laughter of the Demons ; the second He will raise the Final Battle , but will leave , in the middle of the Roar of Terror of the Demons ; the third He will guide the Race of the Spirit towards the Origin , but He will leave forever , leaving behind the Holocaust of Fire in which the followers of the One God will be consumed , men , Souls , and Demons . But those who follow the Envoy of the Lord of the War will be Eternal !
You tried to fulfill the family mission and you kept the Wise Sword . Now I will give You instructions to carry out another mission : prepare in the World the advent of the Envoy of the Lord of the War . It is His Will that it be so ! But you will not be able to carry out this mission by working as up to today : the Strategy requires that efforts be divided and that only a part of You takes care of everything . We , ask that You separate once more , the penultimate ! It is necessary that in the preparations for the coming of the Great White Chief , only