THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 258

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Worlds : it is the Spirit of the Man who evokes them and towards whom they are directed . Each of these Worlds is " real " for the man awake that inhabits it and perceives it . And from each of those " real " Worlds an awake man marches towards a point that is common to all the Possible Worlds : the Origin of the captive Spirit . In one place is the awakened man and his captive Spirit , in another the Origin and the absolutely free Spirit ; What separates the awakened man from the Origin ?: A distance called " Labyrinth ", which can only be leveled by means of the Vrunes of Navutan . The Spirit awakens the sleeping man ; the awake man acquires the Hyperborean Wisdom ; the Hyperborean Wisdom reveals the Vrunes of Navutan ; and the Vrunes of Navutan constitute Tirodinguiburr , the Secret of the Labyrinth . With the Key of the Vrunes , the awake man orients himself in the Labyrinth and finds the Origin , the only thing truly Real to the Spirit . The time required to complete the orientation is given to him by the Immortality of the Stone Seed , that the Grace of the Virgin of Agartha sows in the Heart of those who seek the Origin .
The orientation must be strategic because in the Labyrinth the Enemy will try to twist his course towards the Origin : it will try to confuse , to divert , to stop , that is to say , to disorient the awake man ; and the awake man will have to use a Strategy , to advance oriented , will have to develop a way of behaviour that neutralizes the enemy action and allows to concretely reach the Origin .
The Labyrinth is made up of the paths of Illusion , which bifurcate in all the Possible Worlds . If the strategic orientation is weak , the distance between the awakened man and the Origin can be very extensive ; and the Time it takes to travel it similarly long . However , if the strategic orientation is strong , the awakened man can be very close to the Origin and the spiritual liberation can be instantaneous . This happens because the strategic orientation and the Labyrinth are contrary : the lower the strategic orientation , the more complex the Labyrinth will be ; the greater the strategic orientation , the Labyrinth will be more simple ; the maximum strategic orientation , the Origin patent , dissolves the Labyrinth of Illusion . Also , if the movement is guided by the strategic orientation , the Time and the Space of the Labyrinth become relative ; the Origin is located far or near , according to the strategic attitude of the awake man . So the reality of the awake man is relative with respect to the absolute Reality of the Origin .
The reality of the awakened man depends on the strategic orientation . We have seen several men awake , each one in his " real " World , simultaneously searching for the Origin ; each with a different grade of misdirection in the Labyrinth , each with a different strategic orientation . Which , then , is the Real World , if they are all relatively real from the Origin ?: Of all the possible Worlds , “ real ” are the Worlds that affirm the Spirit of the awakened men ; of all the " real " Worlds , Real is the World where the awake men possess the best strategic orientation and where they sustain a triumphant Strategy against the Enemy of the Spirit : and the Reality of that World is affirmed by Navutan , the Lord of the War . The Lords of Venus of K ' Taagar , from the Origin , detached from Time and Space in the Labyrinth , permanently scrutinize the millions of Illusionary Worlds as they await for the last sleeping men return to the Path of the Spirit and Declare the Essential War on the Powers of Matter . They discovered Your World , Lords of Tharsis , and revealed it to Navutan . And the Lord of the War , flattered by Your Exploits , decided to affirm it as Real . From the Origin , the Great Ace distinguished Your World by saying :
There it is , ex sistit , the real World of the Lords of Tharsis , who do not stop fighting for the Freedom of the Eternal Spirit ! So there is a World where sleeping men are able to wake up and face the Powers of Matter ! Hahaha ; and they are good : they just won a Battle ! With Them I will send the Great Chief of the White Race ! Counting on the help from these Wise Warriors , and those Heroes who join them , they will defeat the Powers of Matter and put an end , in the Beginning , to the Essential War !
Understand this , Lords of Tharsis , and you will know why I have come and what is the Grace that Navutan has dispensed You by granting Real existence to Your World !