THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 257

The Mistery of Belicena Villca
– Ladies and Gentlemen , this is Captain Kiev ! – Grace and Honor , Blood of Tharsis ! – greeted the Lord of Venus , expressing with his right hand the bala mudra . – Hail , Right ! – the Men of Stone answered in chorus . That Being , clearly human in appearance , was truly resplendent : a purplish halo stretched several inches around him , allowing to appreciate the clothing details . This could not be simpler , as it consisted only of three garments : a kind of fine scaled coat of mail , that covered his whole body except the head and the hands ; a pair of short boots ; and a belt with an octagonal buckle , on which were engraved a set of indecipherable signs ; the three garments had been made with unimaginable materials . Compared to the Men of Stone , the Lord of Venus was a giant : one cubit taller than the Vrunaldians , who counted themselves among the tallest Knights of Castile . He had blonde hair , quite short , and pleasant features on the face , with a very pale complexion . But what impressed the most , because it gave him the undoubted aspect of a being from another world , or belonging to an unknown Race , were his eyes lacking the pupil , only composed of an emerald green iris : those eyes , devoid of human expression , testified to the disturbing evidence that the History of man has forgotten something ; something that may be inevitable to remember in our Epoch , Dr . Arturo Siegnagel .
After the salute , Captain Kiev continued speaking ; although he did not move the lips everyone could hear him perfectly , and no one wondered about the prodigy . The Men of Stone noticed at once that with That Being there wouldn ' t be any kind of dialogue : the Lord of Venus had come to bring a message and after communicating it he would go away .
– Blood of Tharsis : I bring you the greetings of Navutan , the Lord of the War ! And I also bring you His Word ! Pay attention , open well Your senses , because this is a unique opportunity , perhaps unrepeatable before the Final Battle ! In truth , it has been the feat that you have starred in helping to destroy the Enemy ' s plans which has motivated this visit : in the abode of the Gods , the Lord of the War and the Lords of Venus , have drunk the Mead with Your Ancestors ! There , in the Abode of the Gods , You have earned a place with the Heroes of the Hyperborean Race ! And on Earth , you have conquered the right to exist , even in the midst of the biggest Illusion of the Great Deception ! It ' s the Will of Navutan that Your house exists until the day of the Final Battle and that its members accompany the ranks of the Gods carrying the banner of the Eternal Spirit ! That is why He has revealed You through me Tirodinguiburr , his Forgotten Name , the Key to the Labyrinth Mystery : so that Your Spirit may be redirected towards the Origin and never go astray again .
Understand , Lords of Tharsis , that the sleeping man is only aware of a World , an Earth , a History , which he considers " Real ", but that the captive Spirit shares in the Illusion millions of possible Worlds , of similar Lands , of similar Histories . You are awake men , but the sleeping man lives , without knowing it , in millions of Worlds at the same time : his consciousness , sometimes remains all life referred to a particular World ; or eventually passes from a World to another without noticing it ; but the sleeping man is unable to distinguish a World from another because the Illusion is very intense , too deep a sleep . Different is the point of view of the captive Spirit , that underlies chained in the Soul of the sleeping man . For the Eternal Spirit any of these Worlds can be " real ", it can be lived as real , but all are equally illusory . For the Spirit , many of the men that believe to exist , and many of the things that are believed to exist , are not real , that is , they are pure illusion . For the Spirit , it ' s only Real the World that It itself affirms as such , there is only the man in whom It manifests Itself with better strategic orientation .
That ' s the way it is , Lords of Tharsis !: For the Spirit , Reality depends on the strategic orientation . And the awakened man will only exist if he has strategic orientation with respect to the Origin : because it is from the Origin that the Spirit sees the man awake and says --He is there , ex sistit –.
What is , then , the strategic orientation ?: At a given moment , simultaneously , certain men awaken here and there , in some of the possible