THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 256

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Message of the Gods ! I will leave you this Stone : place it in the same way in front of the Right Angle , and I ' ll be there in the precise moment !
– That said , He vanished as mysteriously as He had appeared , and I found myself absolutely alone in the Secret Cavern . The Stone of Venus already did not reflect the Tirodinguiburr Sign but I could see it if I wanted to . Anyway , after reflecting for five days , I decided to approach Turdes and send messengers to summon you and to arrange the meeting requested by the Lord of Venus .
A few minutes passed without anyone managing to say anything ; everybody had become as if spellbound by the story of the Noyo . Finally , one of the Men of Stone interrogated :
– The stone ; What did the Lord of Venus mean when he spoke of leaving you a Stone ?
– Well , the fact is that when He vanished by the Right Angle --answered the Noyo-- a curious Stone appeared where He was , without me being able to explain how it got to that place in the Cave . – And what have you done with it ? –" I have transported it here !" – The Noyo untied a leather bag that was fastened at the waist and drew from it a rough piece of black basalt . The Stone was a small column 8 or 9 inches high with a rectangular base ; without hesitation he handed it to the questioner . It soon circulated from hand to hand until it returned to the Noyo , who then spoke again .
– Ladies and Gentlemen : I propose you to try the contact with the Gods , as They themselves have suggested . I have arranged a tower of the Castle for that purpose and I think it ' s time to head there . – Yes ! --approved several voices in unison-- Let ' s not waste any more time !
Fiftieth Day
The Tower in question consisted of a square enclosure , built with solid granite blocks , the four corners of which were perfectly aligned with the cardinal points . All the furniture had been removed except for three long , backless benches , on which sat the Men of Stone . The single candle in a candelabrum lit faintly the west angle . In front of that corner , on the ground , the Noyo deposited the tiny column of rock : after properly orienting it he joined the Men of Stone .
– I have placed the Stone in a similar way to how I found it in the Secret Cavern --he said-- . Now we only have to Wait and Observe .
At the beginning nobody noticed anything because the phenomenon was taking place very slowly . However , at one point , without the Men of Stone being able to determine when , the vertex of the corner appeared strangely brilliant . Then everyone saw a vertical line of white light where the two planes of the walls met at right angles . That luminosity completely covered the vertex and caused the sensation of emerging from a thin fissure , as if the walls were separated by an infinitesimal crack , a window into another world . But the vertex of light was what was seen in relation to the walls of the tower ; because if the vertex was aligned with the Stone , the image changed suddenly and the phenomenon acquired its most curious character : thus observing , the Stone seemed strangely embedded in the right angle ; but that vision lasted only a moment , because immediately the angle moved forward and the Stone was lost in the line of light . This surprised ; however , when examining the vertex of light in relation to the walls , the Stone appeared again where the Noyo had placed it .
As everyone was gazing at the vertex of light , they all saw the arrival of the Lord of Venus . And to no one escaped that his entry was the product of a step : the last step of a march that no one dared to imagine by which way it had been done . Yes ; the Lord of Venus came walking , crossed the right angle , and stood on the Stone ; and now he was dominating the tower and looking at the Men of Stone . The Noyo immediately rose to his feet and announced :