THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 255

The Mistery of Belicena Villca Men been gathered in the presence of a stranger . Once the collective exclamation dissipated in space , the Noyo took up the word :
– Don ' t worry , Men of Stone , that the Secret of the House of Tharsis will be safe : our guest is not of this world ; He will come here from K ' Taagar and then return to the City of the Gods . But , it is necessary that I relate to you the circumstances of my encounter with Him , one of the Liberator Gods of the Spirit of Man , one of the Lords of Venus . As you know , for five years I have been keeping the guard of the Wise Sword : in that period of time I did not stop contemplating the Stone of Venus , but nothing different did I notice in it . Day after day I concentrated on its contemplation , hoping to observe the Sign of the Origin , or the Lithic Sign of K ' Taagar , but nothing new was happening : only the dancing signs of Illusion , the Created Archetypes by the One God , that are also within us , they passed vainly in front of my sight . However , one day something different happened ; it was in May , shortly before I sent for You . The account was followed with superlative attention . Without a doubt , the Noyo had had a wonderful experience , but certainly extraordinary , out of the ordinary , irregular . The Liberator Gods had not manifested themselves to men for thousands of years : since the Age of the White Atlanteans .
--Well , that day , after several hours of meditation , I stayed numb in front of the Wise Sword . I do not know how long I stayed in that condition . I only remember that a musical sound went waking me up , until I clearly distinguished the Word “ Tirodinguiburr ” modulated in the Language of the Birds ; coincidentally , staring at the Wise Sword , I saw the Vrunes that make up that word shining perfectly sharp in the center of the Venus stone . My astonishment had no limits , as you can imagine , when I heard , emerging behind my back , a Voice , endowed with the Majesty of the Eternal Spirit , who spoke my name . When I turned my face I found myself before a Being full of Light , who was watching me smiling near the Right Angle of the Secret Cavern : I understood then that it was He who was projecting the Tirodinguiburr Sign on the Stone of Venus and tried to get my attention . I quickly returned to contemplate the Vrunes but , believe me Men of Stone , it will be difficult to communicate what happened in that instant .
A prolonged sigh accompanied the Noyo ' s last words . After a second of hesitation , during which the sparkle in his eyes faded and the attention seemed to turn inwards , he continued firmly .
--In that instant , Gentlemen , I understood the meaning of the Tirodinguiburr Sign . And its understanding infused me with the Highest Degree of the Hyperborean Wisdom . It was the Eternal Spirit who freed and isolated himself , like never before , from the Illusion of the Created Forms ! Yes , my own Spirit , fixed and planted , like a menhir that remains and appears in the temporal current of the Soul , all of a sudden sustained in the Origin , in its eternal and infinite instance ! I already knew everything ! I had returned to the Origin , I had freed myself from the chaining in Matter , and understood the reason for the Fall ! If I had wanted to , I could have left right there for Hyperborea ! But I couldn ' t do it ; not while the family mission was not fulfilled ; not while You stayed here in the middle of the Demons ; not while we have left to fight the Final Battle against the Powers of Matter ! Honor prevented me from leaving ; and maybe that decision was what That Being was expecting , for only then did He speak :
–" Oh , Noyo of Tharsis !" – He said – Don ' t be surprised to feel the Solid Ground of the Spirit ! The Gods are with you : it is the Will of Navutan who sustains you now in the Universe , the Vrunes of His Name ! And the Grace from Frya ! And the Kâlibur Power of the Vrune of Death ! I ' ve come up to you to confirm your existence and that of your House ; to engrave in the Cold Stone the Sign that will place it in the Origin and determine that it prevails over the Bleach of the Final Death ! I will tell you what to do , Oh Keeper of the Stone of Venus ! It is necessary that the Initiates of your House coincide with me somewhere in the Universe , whatever this may be ; once together , I have to convey to them the