THE MYSTERY OF BELICENA VILLCA / EDITION 2022 2022 / Official English Version | Page 254

The Mistery of Belicena Villca secretly advised the King on how to fight the Golen , while the Vrunaldians were among the bravest and boldest Knights that the English and the Flemish had to face , and among the most terrible inquisitors that the Templars endured ; also the Vrunaldians , for being Spaniards , participated in numerous episodes of the Reconquista and the repression of Judaism and the religion of the infidels . Around 1310 , when the triumph of the Blood Pact Strategy was on the horizon , one of the Valentinians appeared at Cerro Candelaria and located the Secret Cavern . After burying the Vraya , whose corpse still sat in front of the Wise Sword , and restore the Perennial Lamp Flame , he took the position of Noyo and reestablished the millennial guard : the Vrunaldians would supply him from the Catalan fortress that then existed instead of the Chapel , at the foot of the Hill .
That Noyo was a relatively young but very wise Man of Stone ; he remained in the Cave for the next five years , during which it was completed the destruction of the Order of the Knights Templar and the Golen power collapsed in France . Among the members of the House of Tharsis , of course , the defeat of the Golen had caused a climate of general rejoicing ; but nobody expected that something new would happen , something related to the Secret Cavern , to the Wise Sword , to the family mission , to the Blood Pact . However , the first days of June 1315 all received the same encrypted message : it was a summons from the Noyo to attend an extraordinary family meeting to be held on the 21st in Saint Félix de Caraman . That day , in Valentina ' s Castle , the Lords of Tharsis held a Family Council for the first time in forty years .
The meeting was scheduled for 21:00 , but at 19:00 almost all of them were found in the main hall of the Castle : only the Noyo was missing who , according to La Castellana , upon arrival had locked himself in a tower , without descending all day . Many did not know each other , and the introductions and greetings created a festive atmosphere . While they ate a cold and light dinner they did not stop telling each other news and commenting on the latest events in France : the names of Pierre Flotte , of Guillaume de Nogaret , of Guillaume de Plasian , of Clement V , and other Lords of the Dog , were pronounced with great respect and admiration ; but that of Philip the Fair was at the height of the general veneration . And it was no wonder : the Great King , by sanctioning more than 350 laws of Domini Canis origin , had transformed France into the first Nation of the West . And also , and mainly , he had destroyed in great measure the Golen infrastructure , in addition to eliminating the Templar staff and forcing the rest to flee . Therefore , those who were virtual survivors of the Bleach , laughed joyfully remembering the Templar bonfires .
The moment they raised their glasses in the direction of the coat of arms of the House of Tharsis , which dominated the room from the upper wall of the hearth , Noyo made his entrance , joining the toast . – Honor et Mortis ! – he screamed with thunderous voice . – Ad Inimicus ! – the present responded with vehemence . The bellicose group consisted of eighteen Lords of Tharsis , ten Knights and eight Ladies , all Men of Stone . Of these , twelve were Vrunaldinians and six Valentininians . The seventeen fell silent , looking expectantly at the newcomer . The Noyo began to speak immediately :
– Ladies and Gentlemen : You must be sure that if I cited you with so much haste it has not been on a whim but because an urgent matter demanded it . --As he spoke , he gave his words a tone of gravity such that , something unthinkable in a Man of Stone , suggested the influence of a strong impression . Such an effect could not be caused by that assembly ; it had to be something else .
– In truth – he continued – this meeting was requested by Him , who immediately you will know . I , for my part , know that prudence advised to still wait a few years , before holding a Family Council .
Some sound was issued from each throat for a murmur rose and won the living room . Everyone was amazed at the revelation that they would receive a visitor since , in the long history of the House of Tharsis , never had the Stone