The Mistery of Belicena Villca
The Builders of Solomon quickly go underground and flee from France , but not before losing several members to torture and bonfire ; What information was expected to be obtained from them ?: the identification of the Temple of Solomon , if it had already been built , or the revelation of the place of its future location and the progress of the works . Note that the Golen built in the XIII century Cathedrals such as Chartres , Reims , Amiens , Strasbourg , Metz , Narbonne , etc ., and that any of them could conceal the sought-after Temple . However , there were two conditions that were taken into account by the Domini Canis : one , the requirement that the Temple contained in its structure the Secret of the Serpent , which was projected on the basis of the twenty-two letters of the Sacred Alphabet of Jehovah Satan ; and the other , that the location of the Temple corresponds to the most sacred place for the Golen . But this was already known : the most sacred site was Lyon . However , even knowing the sacred place , it was not easy to discover the Temple because the builders of Solomon preferred to die without speaking , and the City refused to reveal their secret : In fact , neither the Cathedrals of Saint Jean or Saint Martin , both built with the Gaullic method , had nothing to do with the Temple of Solomon because in it the Secret of the Serpent and the twenty-two signs of the Sacred Alphabet did not appear .
When finally , in 1310 , Philip the Fair acquired the rights to Lyon , he sends a group of Domini Canis specialists in Golen Architecture to inspect the region inch by inch . This attempt would only be successful a year later , when they were found in a Templar mission on Mount Fourvieres , the foundations of a Temple that conformed in all its measures to the archetypal proportions of the Universe : the Golen planned to end their construction simultaneously with the establishment of the World Government , and all was ready there to be put together like a " puzzle "; in nearby deposits were found the stones cut and marked , the beams and furniture , the altar , the stained glass , the ritual instruments , etc . And everything was painstakingly destroyed by express order of the King , who also authorized the Domini Canis to occupy that site " as if it were a liberated area in the Universe ", and to fortify it " with a Strategic Wall of stone ". The remains of that construction based on the Hyperborean Wisdom are still preserved .
In 1314 , then , the Enemy endured a general disaster and the danger that forced the House of Tharsis to hide for forty years disappeared : the Golen terror would be defeated by the Domini Canis Terror , because it was led by the Men of Stone , who for that matter were also Men Without Fear . Of course , the danger of the Final Death , represented by Bera and Birsha , had not disappeared , far from it ; but the Immortals were in another sphere of Reality and for the moment they would not return to deal with he House of Tharsis . On the other hand , the Golen were knocked out and would not spot the survivors of the House of Tharsis .
But something very strange was happening now in the family . Due , perhaps , to the progress made by the Lineage in the fulfillment of the family mission ; or perhaps , as a result of a kind of " genetic concentration " produced in the survivors after the quasi extermination of the Lineage ; or for another unknown cause , the truth was that the family hereditary characters had notably differentiated as from the two matrilineal branches founded by Vrunalda and Valentina . Among the descendants of both Ladies came Men of Stone , but only the sons and grandsons of Valentina showed a vocation to be noyos or vrayas ; the Stone Men who originated from Vrunalda ' s blood , on the contrary , detested riding guard in front of the Wise Sword and had only one goal : to attack the Enemy as soon as possible . While the Valentinians appeared gifted to interpret the Great Plans of the Liberator Gods , and contribute to their orderly execution , the Vrunaldians intended to take immediate action ; within the framework of the Essential War , it could be assured that the first were pure strategists , the second , perfect tacticians .
All the Men of Stone , without exception , continued to review in the Circulus Domini Canis . However , during the Reign of Philip IV , the Valentinians had dedicated themselves to projecting the Strategy of the Mystical Nation and