The Mistery of Belicena Villca
But the idea of an Imperial Messiah does not come from mere speculation . It was in the black days of Atlantis when , in response to the clamor of the Gods , the possibility arose that the exalted Presence of Kristos Lucifer manifest before the sight of men . In those days the confusion of the Captive Spirits was so complete that no one responded to the Chant of the Gods and was not even able to perceive the Light of the Gral . That is why it was announced for centuries the coming of the Imperial Messiah , the King of the Kings of the Gral , who was to restore the Royal Function to reestablish the spiritual Aristocracy of the Hyperborean Leaders and destroy the synarchic Hierarchy imposed by the Demons . The prophecy was finally fulfilled with the arrival of Lucifer , the Kristos of Atlantis ; but his Divine Presence was cowardly resisted by Chang Shambhala ' s Demons who resorted to black magic and opened a gap between the infernal regions of the astral plane and the physical plane . From then on it became generalised a terrible contest that only ended when the continent of Atlantis " had sunk in the waters of the Ocean ”. It is irrelevant to relate events here that today nobody remembers and that , perhaps , it is not convenient to remember . I ' ll just add that when the Demiurge , as I have explained before , conceives the sinister idea of copying the Presence of the Kristos of Atlantis , he decides to " announce " also the arrival of a " Messiah " imitating in his own way the figure of the Imperial Messiah . But the differences are huge . Here are some :
1st . – The Imperial Messiah comes to restore the Royal Function ; the Hebrew Messiah comes to exercise the Priestly Function . 2nd . – The Imperial Messiah accredits his right by the Blood ; the Hebrew Messiah credits his right by the Heart . 3rd . – And that is why the Imperial Messiah will be recognized by the people by the Blood ( charismatically ); and that is why the Hebrew Messiah will be recognized by the people ( judaized ) by the Heart ( emotionally ).
Forty-Ninth Day
Starting today , Dr . Siegnagel , I will resume the story interrupted on the Forty-third Day . I believe that in the last five Days I have clarified enough the fundamental concepts of the Hyperborean Wisdom and that it was worth the stopping , for this , in the history of the House of Tharsis . The hinge of History occurred when the Hyperborean Strategy of Philip IV triumphed over the synarchical plans of the White Fraternity and the staff of the Order of the Knights Templar was sent to the stake . And in that feat , the House of Tharsis did not play a minor role , actively operating in the Circulus Domini Canis , that would attract upon them the Attentive Gaze of the Liberator Gods , of the Lords of Venus , who would give the Lineage an unexpected course . But I will not anticipate the facts .
At the bonfires of the Domini Canis Inquisition , the plans of the White Fraternity turned to ashes . Two main facts confirmed that end : the dismemberment carried out by Philip IV of the Financial Synarchy ; and the flight to Scotland of the College of Temple Builders , where centuries later it would give birth to Freemasonry . On this last fact , it is worth remembering what was said on the Sixteenth Day , when I explained why the College of Temple Builders needed to rediscover the Tablets of the Law : “ With those Tablets in their possession , the Golen would be in a position to build the Temple of Solomon in Europe , thus fulfilling the plans of the White Brotherhood and raising the Chosen People to the Throne of the World ”. Philip IV , warned about these intentions by his instructors Domini Canis , suspends the activity of the three guilds of masons as soon as the trial of the Templars begins , under the accusation of complicity and participation in the crimes of these : the blow is aimed at the Guild of the Builders of Solomon , who make up the Order of the Knights Templar as minor friars after receiving training in the Cistercian ; do not forget that the real name of the Order , designated by Saint Bernard Golen , is " Order of the Temple of Solomon ” or “ Ordo Templum Salomonis ”.