The Mistery of Belicena Villca
When in times of crisis an Elite or a Charismatic Leader accesses to power , with intentions of royal restoration , must hasten to legalize its situation because if not another Elite or Leader will come to question its titles and will also try to occupy the vacant place , thus succeeding an endless series of battles , political or military . But if there is a struggle for Power , no one has its control and it may happen that in the end the Kingdom ends up divided between several factions . It is necessary to settle the question , consult an infallible judge , an undisputed and transcendent authority . Here is where it arises the need to resort to the Gral . Why the Gral ? Because the Gral is also the Tabula Regia , the “ list of Kings "; it says who should govern , who should rule , because it reveals who has the Purest Blood . But this revelation is not simply oracular and arcane but through the mediation of the Gral the purity of the Leader , his right to Conduct , will be known by all and recognized by all , charismatically . Hence , the pure madman , of Hyperborean lineage but of plebeian Lineage , after " finding the Gral " is " recognized by the people " as undisputed King .
When a Hyperborean lineage relies on the light of the Gral for the choice of its Leaders , it can be properly said that a dynasty of " Kings of the Gral " will succeed each other . During the reign of one of these it may happen that the lineage attains such a high degree of purity that it becomes worthy of obtaining the custody of the Vrune of Orichalcum . This is what happened , for example , in the thirteenth century in the French County of Toulouse when the Orichalcum Vrune was entrusted to the Perfect Cathars . It will be argued , against this assertion , that the Cathars were Manicheans , that is , heirs of a Gnostic tradition , and that is the reason by which they were annihilated , there being only a circumstantial relationship between them , the Counts of Toulouse and the Occitan population . Such an argument , of modern Golen origin , tries to divert attention from the most important fact of the Cathar epic : its relationship with the Gral . The fact that they were Gnostics , which nobody disputes , and that they taught one of the seven secret liberation Paths based on the Song of L-ove of the Loyal Gods , origin of the troubadour culture , which few know , does not explain their relationship with the Gral . The Gral , within the framework of the Odal Strategy , has a purely racial meaning . If the Orichalcum Vrune was entrusted to the Cathars , it is because these actively participated in techniques of collective transmutation , which cannot exclude the Royal Function , and not simply " because they were of Gnostic affiliation ”.
A Theme connected with the property to be Tabula Regia that the Gral owns is that of the Imperial Messiah and its imitation : the Jewish Messiah . In principle I will say that one is King of the Gral for the purity of blood , an absolutely individual attribute that does not depend neither on the Race , nor on the Race , nor on any other material patrimony . A King of the Gral exhibits purely personal virtues such as the Courage , the Intrepidness or the Honor and never bases his prestige on material possessions or in the value of gold . The authority of a King of the Gral , for these reasons , comes exclusively from his personal charisma , which extends to the rest of the people thanks to the " link " established between the King and each one of them , in his blood , through the mediation of the Gral : that is the beginning of the psychosocial Mystic . That is why a King of the Gral , in his community , is recognized through the people . Naturally , all the peoples would have their King of the Gral if the action of the Synarchy and the Hebrew Race , with its " Democracy ", " Socialism ", " Communism ", etc ., would not have usurped the Royal Function . Anyway , it is worth asking : would there be , at the universal level , for the Hyperboreans , the possibility that a King of the Gral would be recognized by all ? We would be dealing here with a person of undeniable purity whose majesty would be evident to all the lineages on earth , those who may or may not accept his power but to whom they could not deny the right to rule . Well ; it is easy to answer that the only Lord who accredits , for all the Hyperborean lineages , such right , is Kristos Lucifer . If He presented himself before the Hyperborean lineages , his right to Rule by the Blood , based on his undeniable purity , may be accepted or rejected , but never unrecognized .