The Mistery of Belicena Villca to remain impassive , in the midst of confusion , without experiencing urgency to break free from the chains of the Demiurge and depart , trying to alleviate , somehow , the task of the Gods . No one to verify with his blood the truth of these symbols will be able to prevent Honor , the only moral of the man , to urge him insistently to " abandon everything " and leave . But that departure will be " with weapons in hand ", ready to give battle without quarter to the Demons and feeling that the blood has been ignited by the Fury of the Warrior ; by the " essential hostility " towards the work of the Demiurge , transmuting the weak organic substance of the physical body in vajra , the incorruptible matter . Its the least that man can do to respond in any measure to the aid that the Gods have rendered to the Hyperborean lineages , making possible with their Hyperborean Strategy that the Gral gives proof of the Divine Origin .
I now go to the pending question .
The Stone-Gral , the Gem of Kristos Lucifer , is sustained in the World by the Opposition of the Gods , where it fulfills its function of reflecting the Origin and Divinizing the Hyperborean lineages , but , for being temporarily related with the Valhalla , it also points , to every awakened man , a path to the abode of the Immortals . That path is the one that the fallen Warriors follow in battle , the Heroes , the Champions , led by the Hyperborean women , those that were promised to them at the beginning of time and that during thousands of years , for fear that poisoned their blood , they had forgotten . If the value shown in the feat has been sufficient purge , unfailingly She will be there , next to the fallen Warrior , to heal his wounds with the Frozen L-ove from Hyperborea and guide him on the reverse path that leads to the Valhalla . And that path begins in the Gral . To the House of Tharsis , for example , the white Atlanteans promised that one day , when the Blood of the Lords of Tharsis was purified enough , a Noyo or a Vraya would see in the Stone of Venus the Lithic sign of K ' Taagar , which would indicate the moment of departure : such Sign would show , as it turns out , the way to the Valhalla , the Abode of the Loyal Gods .
But it should not be thought by this that the Light of the Gral points to the individual salvation of sleeping men , for this we have the " Chant of the Gods ” and the seven secret Paths of spiritual liberation . On the contrary , within the Odal Strategy , the Gral must fulfill the fundamental role of restoring the Royal Function , that is : it must serve a racial or social purpose . That ' s why the Gral will be required in all cases in which an attempt is made to establish the Universal Empire or any other system of government based on the social application of the law of the enclosure : monarchy , fascism , national socialism , aristocracy of the Spirit , etc .
The historical facts that lead to the " search for the Gral ", always similar , can be symbolically summarized as follows . In principle the Kingdom is " terra gasta " or the " King is sick " or simply the throne has remained headless , etc . There may be many interpretations , but essentially the symbol refers to a depletion or decline in the charismatic leadership and a power vacuum , whether the Government is exercised by a King , Caste or Elite . The best Knights set out to " search for the Gral ", in an attempt to put an end to the evils that plague the Kingdom and bring back the ancient splendor . Only one manages to find the Gral and return the well-being to the Kingdom , either by “ curing the King ” or “ crowning himself ”. Curiously the Triumphant Knight is always presented as " stupid ", " pure crazy ", " naive ", but especially as " plebeian ".
The " best Knights " here are equivalent to any of the multiple social forces that are preparing to launch themselves on the Royal Function when there is acephaly or power vacuum . Finally " one of them " triumphs and restores the order in the Kingdom ; “ He was the plebeian and now he is King , with the approval and consent of the people ”. In my interpretation this obviously means that one " social force " has predominated over the rest ( the " other Knights ”) and has replaced the existing order ( which was in doubt ) by a New Order , unanimously accepted by the people . But if the problem boils down to a mere struggle for power : why does the new King need ( or new Elite , Aristocracy , Caste , etc .) to find the Gral ?: because the Gral confirms the Royal Function .