The Mistery of Belicena Villca use their enormous power to cast the light of the Grail on the mass of the people . I could give several examples from Asian communities bearers of the Sign , but we have at hand the case of the Saxons who had engraved the Sign of the Origin on a tree trunk which was considered a column of the world , universalis columna . The end of such bold determination also deserves a comment . When in 772 Charlemagne conquered Teutoburger Wald he quickly proceeded to destroy the Irminsul log and execute five thousand members of the Saxon nobility . Not satisfied with this , after three decades of heroic resistance , the Saxon Race , of the purest Hyperborean lineage , was totally " Christianized " ( after the execution of its purest offspring ). I have known that many educated Germans consider “ fortunate ” this dreadful Carolingian campaign . Thus , for example , Professor Haller is of the unabashed opinion that " without submission of the Saxons today there would be no German nation " because " for the future history of the German nation , as it is today , the incorporation of the Saxons into Charlemagne ' s empire was an essential precondition ”. This generalized opinion is based on the analysis " a posteriori " of historical events , and therefore , considering that the extinction of the Carolingian dynasty made it possible two hundred years later that the Saxon blood came with Otto I to take the lead of the Western world , it is taken for granted that the domination and " conversion " of the Saxons was " necessary " and positive . Here ' s my humble opinion : the Judeo-Christianization of the Saxons represents the heaviest blow that the Infernal Powers inflicted the Hyperborean lineages in the Christian Era , greater even to the conversion of the Vikings , the Celts or the destruction of the Cathars , only comparable to the annihilation of the Goth Kingdoms . And the destruction of the Irminsul tree , with the loss for the West of the Sign of the Origin , is a very difficult catastrophe to evaluate .
6th . – It is not essential , or even necessary , that the Vrune of Orichalcum is found in the bosom of a people so that the influence of the Gral acts on it . The Gral acts on men from the Origin , property that cannot be affected by any physical variable , wherever it is found the Vrune of Orichalcum . That is why it is to a certain extent absurd to attribute to this or that people having reached " a high degree of Civilization " because “ it was in the possession of the Gral ”, since the Gral cannot be in possession of anyone because it is , by disposition of the Gallant Lord , proof of the Divinity of all captive Spirits . What a people can have in custody is the Vrune of Orichalcum , but only as a reward and recognition of a previously obtained racial purity . In other words , the fact of having in custody the Orichalcum Vrune is not the cause of the greatness of a people but conversely , the purity of its lineage earned it the High Honor of being depositary of the seat of the Gral .
But , although the Vrune of Orichalcum is only given to those who deserve having it , it is true that its close presence affects the environment creating a mutant microclimate . That is why the Gods usually deposit the Vrune of Orichalcum , during the Dark Ages , in places suitable for influencing the less confused lineages .
7th . – From all that has been stated so far , it is clear the capital importance that it would have for a community of Hyperborean lineage to get custody of the Vrune of Orichalcum . It is therefore necessary to deal in detail with this possibility . The problem can be summed up in the question : why do you need a King , or whoever exercises the Royal Function , to find the Gral , that is , the Orichalcum Vrune ? Next , Dr . Siegnagel , I will invite you to a brief reflection on the attitude to be adopted when becoming aware of the events carried out by the Liberator Gods , and then I will respond to the problem delving a little more about the symbology of Gral .
A deep meditation is required on the symbols I have presented to grasp its ultimate meaning , which must always be perceived as dramatic and tragic , full of spiritual urgencies . No one who has ever taken awareness of the incredible sacrifice made by the Gods by keeping the Gral in the world for millions of years through Strategic Opposition , that is , by a constant and continuous act of Will , no one who has understood it , we repeat , will be able