The Mistery of Belicena Villca
They made a single opening in the wall , which will surprise those who do not know the strategic principles of the Hyperborean Wisdom . And outside of this opening , which I have already named with a modern denomination : porta infernalis , the Orichalcum Vrune was placed . The time has come to return to the Greater Mystery .
The Great Chief , Kristos Lucifer , audaciously installed in an unthinkable place , behind Venus , as the Black Sun or expression of the Origin , decided to respond to the vile conspiracy of the Traitor Gods with an act of war . It was to fulfill His Will that the Liberator Gods occupied the island and they walled it , initiating the Odal Strategy . But the Odal Strategy was aimed at “ awakening ” and “ orienting ” men , individually or racially , we have said it ; then : what was the " act of war " with which Kristos Lucifer responded to the Betrayal of the Gods of Chang Shambhala ? Specifically : the war coup was given by the Gral .
The Hyperborean Gem , removed from the Forehead of the Gallant Lord and sitting in the World of the Demiurge , would prevent the Demons from denying the Divine Origin of the Spirit , since its untarnishable brilliance would cast off the reflections of the Primordial Homeland . The Gral , when Divinizing the Hyperborean lineages , constituted the greater challenge as it threatened to send the infernal plans to failure . The conflict would be , from then on , eternally raised by anyone who managed to wake up , whatever the Hell it was in , since the Gral would be settled on the physical plane , that is , in the lowest of the infernal regions , and its glow would be seen from all corners of the World , including the astral plane and all those " purgatories " that the Demons prepare there to deceive the Spirits ; even in those subtle planes of the monads emanated by the Demiurge , where there are also Hyperborean Spirits completely idiotized , who have been led to believe that “ they must remain there while their ‘ other bodies ’, denser , evolve ”. Finally the Gral was , if the metaphor may be permitted , a glove thrown at the face of the Demons , for a challenge to which they , due to their cowardice , would not be able to respond .
But it was not so easy to get the Gral , once it entered the physical plane , to stay simply located in one place , for example on an altar . Due to its timeless character , as a reflection of the Origin , the Gral like a true universal thinner would go through everything and out of sight ... especially if for whoever looked at him , the Time of the World should pass . The Gral cannot be seated on any flowing substance under the impulse of the Logos Breath , in other words , that flows temporarily , as it would be lost in the past , since its essence is always in the Origin . What to do ? You have to " prepare " a material seat in such a way as to support the Gral even though it remains in the past and although the Time of the World actually elapses for this seat . Can something like this be built ? Only if between the substance of the seat and the Gral is interspersed a sign that neutralizes temporality . This means that the sign must represent the reverse movement to that used by the Demiurge to build the Solar System . Such a sign , which is the height of heretical symbols , was used by the Gods to build the seat of the Gral , which I have called Vrune of Orichalcum .
Attention to this because I will say it only once : from the Vrune of Orichalcum , which is a very complex sign and of tremendous magical power , it is derived prior mutilation and deformation , the Swastika Rune , about which so much nonsense has been written .
To build the seat of the Gral , a crystalline stone of a violet blue color was chosen , similar to an agate . In its upper part , in an area slightly concave , was embedded an Orichalcum Vrune skillfully chiseled by the Loyal Gods . And once the seat was completed , it was deposited outside the walls of the island , in the direction of the porta infernalis , but many miles away , in a continental region .
It will be difficult for anyone to imagine the wonderful spectacle of the Gral descending into the seven hells . Maybe if you think of a Green Ray , of blinding brilliance and gnostic influence on the watcher , before whom the Demons turn their fierce faces frozen with fright ; a Ray that , like mowing blade of invincible Sword , goes tearing the four hundred thousand worlds of Deception seeking the Heart of the Enemy ; a Green Flying Serpent that carries between its