The Mistery of Belicena Villca teeth the Fruit of Truth , until then denied and hidden ; if you think of the Ray , of the Sword , of the Fruit , of the Serpent , maybe that ' s how it is possible to intuit what happened at that crucial moment when the Truth was put within reach of the captive Spirits . Yes because since the Gral settled on the Vrune of Orichalcum the Tree of Science was planted within the reach of those who , completely confused , lived in Hell believing they inhabited a Paradise . From now on they could eat its fruit and their eyes would be opened !
Hallelujah for Kristos Lucifer , the Serpent of Paradise ! Hallelujah for those who ate the forbidden fruit : men awake and transmuted !
What was the next step of the Gods ? Before the fall of the Gral , but when this phenomenon was already occurring in other planes , they applied the law of the enclosure on the island ' s walls isolating the interior area from the exterior . To understand the effect that such a strategic action produced , one must have present that this was the first time that an area was liberated in the Solar System . When a ring of fire seemed to erupt from the imposing walls and it could no longer be seen towards the interior of the island , enveloped in a strange vibrating and flaming cloud , the Demiurge began to feel his substance amputated . The strategy of the Gods aimed to win over him , not only the flat area of the island but also its relief , its mountains and valleys , its lakes and forests , its plants and animals ; the island , a vast country , was also a gigantic Noah ' s Ark that should receive for millennia the men who managed to wake up and flee from the material chains and also those who have been transmuted fighting to the death in battles .
An entire country subtracted from the immanent control of the Demiurge was a new experience , but , however this would have been possible , the truth is that the island was still there : hidden by a barrier of fire but in the same place . That is why the Demiurge ' s reaction shook the Earth , seeking to affect in some way that incomprehensible phenomenon and regain control of the “ Area ". Terrible tsunamis agitated the adjacent seas and winds never seen blew uselessly against the titanic walls ; the sky was darkened by the ash clouds of suddenly awakened volcanoes and the ocean floor threatened to split open and try to swallow the " liberated " island .
The world seemed to have gone mad , showing the terrifying spectacle of all the forces of nature " uncontrolled ", when , " as if it were the height of abominations , the Gral descended on Earth ”.
What could I add to give an idea of what happened there ? I already said that it is very difficult to describe , and even mention , an event that generated a perpetual irritation in the Demons . Maybe this comment will tell you something , Dr ., if you remember the Kabbalistic explanations of Bera and Birsha : “ when the Gral fell on Earth , beyond three hundred and seventy times ten thousand Worlds , the Great Face of the Elder let out a howl of horror that can still be heard reverberating in the confines of the Cosmos ".
As soon as the Gral had settled on the Rune of Orichalcum the Loyal Gods practiced the Strategic Opposition achieving , this time , the walled island to become invisible , disappearing forever from the surface of the Earth . From then on the sleeping men would speak of the Valhalla , the abode of the Gods , and also of Hyperborea , the " island swallowed by the sea ", since the original Myth , transmitted charismatically by the Gods , has suffered different falls into exotericism due to the blood impurity of the men asleep .
Forty-Eighth Day General Synthesis of the Hyperborean Wisdom :
The question that started the preceding esoteric commentary was what has been of the Gral ...? As an answer , it was obtained that it is wrong to inquire about the Gral since this is virtually The Origin , and it has never moved from there . Its seat , on the other hand , the Vrune of Orichalcum , has the dimensions of a material object and it is given to suppose that , to a large extent , it is affected by the physical laws . It is then possible to reconsider the