The Mistery of Belicena Villca
A reference to such remote events as the perverse association between the Traitor Gods and the Demiurge , was intended to serve as an introduction for a fact that I will highlight immediately : when the Demiurge agrees with the Traitor Gods to give them control of the Hierarchy he gives them the Tiferet sign representing one of the ten Sefirot and allowing full control on the formal Aspects of Creation . The Tiferet Sign is the symbolic expression of the " material manifestation of the Divine Archetypes ", Aspect that is usually synthesized as " Beauty of the Demiurge ". In case you have not understood well its convenient to repeat that the Demons of Chang Shambhala remained in possession of a sign representing the entire Tiferet aspect of the Demiurge , allowing access to it and sharing its Power . Naturally , the Tiferet sign is the key to Maya , the Illusion of the Real , and therefore : the most terrible tool of sorcery . Whoever observes the Tiferet sign , which is quite complex , " from the world ", that is , karmically incarnated , runs the risk of sinking into an abyss immediately , losing all point of reference and consequently the reason . For this motive , the Hyperborean Wisdom recommends applying the law of the enclosure to the Tiferet sign to be able to observe it without danger . It is not superfluous to point out that in every Hyperborean offensive against the Demons of Chang Shambhala sooner or later there is a confrontation with the Tiferet sign since its nefarious influence is relied upon to defeat awake men .
After the Traitor Gods received the Tiferet sign and built Chang Shambhala it was no longer possible for the Loyal Gods to remain on the terrestrial surface . But neither did they wish to leave the Solar System leaving behind them billions of captive Spirits . And so they planned the Odal strategy . But before , what status did a captive Spirit present ?: basically the loss of the Origin and the consequent unconsciousness , that is , the loss of one ' s own time . The chaining to matter parts fundamentally from the chaining to the “ immanent flow of the Consciousness of the Demiurge ”, that is , of synchronization to the Time of the World . The captive Spirits , linked to Time , would take millions of years to regain their conscience , if they ever succeeded . In these circumstances the Gods , in a wonderful display of courage and fearlessness , start the Odal Strategy .
The first problem they had to face was staying " independent " of Time , but not " outside of it ", since they would have to closely follow the misadventures of the captive Spirits to help them avoid the strategic confusion and eventually rescue them . On the other hand , the independence of the Time was necessary so that the Gods could conserve their own time , their consciousness of the Origin , otherwise they would run the risk of falling too in the Great Deception . But , as long as the eons followed , the Gods should have a pleasant place , suitable to be occupied and defended by a garrison of terrible star warriors . These were the main problems ; there were others , but I ' ll pass them by in tribute to brevity .
The procedure to follow was as follows . The Loyal Gods sought a site on Earth suitable for their purposes . As such a site was going to disappear , after the Strategic Opposition , they did not choose it within a continent as this would have perhaps caused a cataclysm , which would further delay the fate of the captive Spirits . Instead they searched among the islands and they chose one of them , located in what today would be the extreme north , but that in those days was a tropical zone , proceeding immediately to enclose it . Being a huge island , the work to be done , to build a cyclopean wall of stone around its perimeter , would seem today an impossible task . But the Hyperborean Wisdom available to the Gods gave them the solutions to finish quickly with such work and in a short time a colossal wall transformed the paradise island in impregnable fortress . It is not possible to describe the extraterrestrial architecture of the walls because I would get lost in explanations and I would not advance a lot ; I will only say that in some sections the construction was similar to the pre-Inca fortress of Sacsayhuaman near Cusco in Perú , but such resemblance , I must also say , was very approximate , since Sacsayhuaman is still too human .