The Mistery of Belicena Villca Hyperborean Spirits were chained to Matter by having fallen into a cosmic trap , the Mystery of L-ove , but I won ' t talk about it for now . The effect that occurred in the evolutionary World of the Demiurge by assimilating the confused Spirits is what today we would call : a collective mutation . To the evil of the imitative ordering of matter , made by the Demiurge , was then added the evil of the mutation of his Work and the chaining of the Spirits , that is , the modification of the Plan carried out by the Traitor Gods . And to " control " such an evil enterprise the Traitors Gods decide to found the White Fraternity , in which the different deva manifestations of the Demiurge must organize . The " headquarters " of Power , Chang Shambhala , is also the key to the collective mutation of the seven Kingdoms of nature . Indeed : in what way did the Demiurge maintain the stability of the form on Earth and how was it ensured , before the mutation , that the seven Kingdoms evolve according to his Plan ? There are two principles that intervene in the execution of the Plan , one static and the other dynamic . The Plan rests statically on the Archetypes and dynamically on the Breath of the Solar Logos . In other words , it was a force from the Sun , physical vehicle of the Solar Logos , the one that maintained the evolutionary momentum in the seven Kingdoms of the terrestrial nature . Well : to cause any permanent alteration in the Demiurge ' s Plan it is essential to intercept the current energy from the Sun that , crossing the ocean of prana , converges on the Earth . To meet this condition the Traitor Gods were installed from the beginning between the Sun and the Earth , in a fixed position that never lets a ray of light pass , that is , not a photon , without first having been intercepted . This statement may sound fantastic , and it really is , but more fantastic and senseless has been the construction of Chang Shambhala , since what we have described is the " technical " function of the seat of Power of the Traitor Gods .
Here is another " Secret " that is no longer such ; the " location " of Chang Shambhala can now be determined from this data : it is always between the Earth and the Sun . Actually Chang Shambhala is very close to the Earth , which will give an idea of its enormous size . However , this is not a matter of caprice but rather , it was constructed that way due to the demands of its modulating function of the solar genetic plasma .
Of course , there will be many who say foolishly that all this is a nonsense given that " the traditions of Tibet and India " claim that Chang Shambhala “ is a Kingdom located in Asia , between the Altai mountains , the desert of the Gobi and the Himalayas ”. A comment of this type will undoubtedly constitute a nonsense greater than my claims . In principle the mentioned " traditions of the Tibet and India ” are products of the strategic misinformation that during centuries has deployed the Fraternity so that the truth is ignored . And in second place I will say that the most serious data of the Tradition , since there are some credible data , always mention the location of “ The Door of Chang Shambhala ” and never the Kingdom itself . This subtle distinction is highly suggestive since the fact that in a certain geographical place there is a door does not imply that the Kingdom is immediately behind . A primitive mind could understand it like this , conditioned by the belief that the straight line is the shorter distance between two points , and in fact such a thing happens frequently . But here I am handling the information on another level and that is why I will advance four verses from the Song of Princess Isa , that you will already have the opportunity to know when I tell the story of Nimrod , " The Defeated ”. " But even though Dejung is far away , its doors are everywhere . Seven doors has Dejung , and seven walls surround it ”.
The oriental legends refer to these " induced doors ", which " they are everywhere " and lead to the Kingdom that , evidently , does not occupy a simple geographic location .