The Mistery of Belicena Villca In it live the Lords of Venus and many Gods and Valkyries , who are constantly preparing for the fight while they await the end of the Kaly Yuga and the awakening of the captive Spirits . Their countless warrior Gods , immortalized with their vajra bodies form in the ranks of the Wildes Heer , Wothan ' s furious army , and guard the ramparts of the Valhalla , although the Enemy would never dare before such a fearsome Hyperborean garrison .
The Gods have liberated the stronghold of the Valhalla by applying , with Their Powerful Wills , the law of the enclosure around the stone walls . The conquest of own time that reigns in Valhalla , and that makes them independent of any " cycle " or " Law " of the World of the Demiurge , proceeds from a wonderful operation of Strategic Opposition . But what was the stone , the lapis oppositionis , that the Gods used in their Hyperborean Strategy ?: Since the Conflict of the Origins took place , millions of years ago , the Gods practiced the Strategic Opposition against a precious extraterrestrial Gem provided to such effect by the Gallant Lord , Kristos Lucifer . That stone is called Gral : “ und dieser Stein ist Gral gennant ”. ( Wolfram Von Eschenbach ).
The analogical relationship between archemone and Valhalla becomes more evident even if it is considered that this has a " porta infernalis ", equivalent to the " fenestra infernalis " of that one . The porta infernalis is an opening in the wall that is permanently guarded by attentive sentinels . In front of the porta infernalis , but outside the Valhalla , that is , in " the world ", is situated the Gral , on a Vrune ; against it , it has been said , the Gods practice the strategic opposition .
It is necessary to go a little deeper in the description of this disposition due to its extraordinary importance for the approach to the Mystery of the Gral .
First of all , I will say that the Gral , like a lapis oppositionis , was deposited in the Origin , on a Vrune and it is still there : on the Vrune and in the Origin . This is not a play on words but a property of the Gral that must be examined carefully : the Gral , as a reflection of the Origin cannot become in time like the material " things " created by the Demiurge ; in other words : the Gral cannot be in the present . In truth the Gral is in the remote past , in that time and place where it was placed , and therefore it must not be sought using " movement " ( and time ) to achieve it , as such attitude points to the future , that is , in the opposite direction , as I have already explained . But if the Gral is in the past , if time does not drag it down towards the present with its unstoppable fluency as it happens with material objects , and it has always remained there ( in the past ) how is it that we have come to know of it ? and , most importantly , how can it act in the present , as required by the Odal Strategy , regardless of time ? that is , by virtue of which " element " is the Gral connected , " from the past " with " the present ", for example , with a Hyperborean Leader ? The solution to these problems has constituted , since ancient times , a dangerous Secret ... that now I will try to reveal . The enigma is solved by reasoning in this way : although the Gral has always remained in the past , a property that only possesses in the Universe the Gem of Kristos Lucifer , the same has not happened with the Vrune that held it ( and still holds it ). Here is the Big Secret : while the Gral , a reflection of the Divine Origin , remains as such " situated in the Origin ", the Vrune upon which it was seated has spanned the millennia and has reached thepresent . By the way , the Vrune " is always present ", which means : " in any historical circumstance ”. I ' ll talk a bit about the Vrune .
It is known as Vrune of the Origin or Vrune of Orichalcum , but it should be clarified that such names not only designate the " symbol " of the Vrune but also the terrestrial Stone that was the primary seat of the Gral . That is why when the Hyperborean Wisdom refers to the " Vrune of Orichalcum ", what its really all about is a stone , very old , of a blue violet color , in which the Gods embedded a vrunic orichalcum sign . It is therefore necessary to know its origin and the reason for its construction .
I have already mentioned on other occasions that in the beginning the Gods entered the Solar System " through the door of Venus " and that a group of them , the " Traitor Gods ”, was “ associated with the Demiurge ' s Plan causing later , in combination with him , the catastrophe of the captive Spirits ”. The