The Mistery of Belicena Villca Memory of Kristos Lucifer predominated more than the judaic archetype of Jesus Christ , a fact that almost always led to a widespread anti-Jewish sentiment . Although in the long run would end up wining the permanent influence of the " geotopocentric ray " of Jesus Christ , over the Hyperborean memory , and the masses would end up judaized , meanwhile the Sacred Race would be in danger of being exterminated . But the " threat " would soon be conjured .
If there was really an effective danger against the Hebrews , it is something that will be necessary to doubt because in the fifth century Saint Benedict of Nurcia founded the Order in which will enter , en masse , the " Christian " Golen who will engage , from then , to the task of mediating between the Church and the Synagogue .
As I reported in previous days , the Tablets of the Law were where Solomon had hidden them and they were only found by the Golen Templars in the Middle Ages . Those Tablets have been made by the Demiurge Jehovah Satan to imitate the founding action of the Gral . It is necessary to inquire then , what was of the Gral , the metaphysical " model " of the Tablets ?
Contrary to the question about the Tablets of the Law , which forced to refer to facts of history , the question of the Gral will take me to a strictly esoteric field . But first of all it should be clarified that the question has been badly posed . I have already clarified that the Gral should not be sought ; I will add now that it is an object which cannot be appropriated and which , therefore , must still be where it always was . It is a mistake , then , both to " look for " the Gral and ask : what has become of it ? But , you will ask yourself , how should that Mystery be faced , then , to gain some additional knowledge , free from paradoxes ? The only way , in my opinion , to advance in the knowledge of the Mystery consists of deepening the analogies that link the " orienting function towards the Origin ” of the Gral , external function , with the “ secret paths of spiritual liberation ” of the Hyperborean Wisdom , which are internal functions , " orienting towards the Origin ".
In this sense , a very significant analogy can be established between the “ Gral Stone ” of the Odal Strategy and the “ lapis oppositionis ” used in the path of the " Strategic Opposition ".
I have already explained , synthetically , that the Path of the Strategic Opposition consists of the use of the archemonic technique , that is , in the arrangement of an Archemona or Strategic Enclosure and a lapis oppositionis outside the enclosure , in the fenestra infernalis that leads to the Valplads . Applying the law of the enclosure to the Archemona , it is possible to isolate the Valplads area , that is , it is possible to free an area in the World of the Demiurge . But this is not enough : it is necessary that the Initiates are desynchronized from the Time of the World and generate their own time , reverse , that allows them to go towards the Origin . For this they practice the Strategic Opposition against the lapis oppositionis , which are located on a Rune in the Valplads , in front of the fenestra infernalis .
Now it is my turn to approach the Biggest Secret , the one that explains the method used by the Gods to maintain , permanently , eternally if you will , the Gral in the World . I will begin by looking into the following : which is the Residence of the Loyal Gods ? We can start from a known answer , that I have repeated many times : the Gods reside in K ' Taagar , in the Valhalla of Agartha . Such an answer is correct , but insufficient , since it would be possible to ask in turn what is the Valhalla ? where is it located ? Faced with these questions two criteria can be adopted : one , drawing on elements of Nordic mythology and say , for example , that “ at the top of the Ash Iggdrasill is the Valhalla , site where the warriors killed in combat go to reside , ruled by Wothan , etc ". And a second criterion , which seems to me more correct , is to strip answers of folk ornaments and express them with symbols of the Hyperborean Wisdom , which can be easily interpreted through analogies .
With this criterion it is possible to immediately affirm that the Valhalla is the place liberated by the Gods ( or Aces ) somewhere in the Universe of The One . This place , naturally , has the dimensions of a country and is totally fortified .