The Mistery of Belicena Villca with him ; it was not transmitted to the human descent ”. Ultimately " man is free " and " born without sin "; from there to raise the injustice of pain and suffering , or any other punishment imposed by Jehovah Satan , there was only one step . Consequently the persecution against Pelagius began immediately and did not end until he was eliminated , in Africa ; it was carried out by the most important ecclesiastical authorities of his time , which proves the fear that his ideas produced , among those who stood out were Popes Innocent I and Zosimus , Saint Jerome and the Gnostic apostate Saint Augustine .
At the Synod of Carthage in 411 , were condemned seven propositions , synthesis of his doctrine . They are worth remembering here now so to check that they are derived from the Hyperborean Wisdom .
Here are the seven doomed propositions :
1 - Adam , mortal by his creation , would have died with or without sin . 2 - Adam ' s sin harmed him alone , not the human lineage . 3 - The children just born are in that state in which Adam was before his prevarication ( that is : before tasting the forbidden fruit of the Gral ). 4 - It is false , that neither by the death nor by the prevarication of Adam the whole human race has to die and that it has to be resurrected by the resurrection of Jesus Christ . 5 - Man can easily live without sin . 6 - The right life , of whatever " free man " leads to Heaven in the same way as the Gospel . 7 - Before the coming of Jesus Christ there were " impeccable " men , that is to say , that in fact , didn ' t sin .
Forty-Seventh Day General Synthesis of the Hyperborean Wisdom :
While the Golen marched with the Celts towards Europe , the Kingdom of Judah , in the Middle East , was destroyed by Nebuchadnezzar and its population carried away in captivity to Babylon in 597 B . C . They were released in 536 and , twenty years later , in 516 , they rebuilt Solomon ' s Temple without finding the ark with the Tablets of the Law . In the 4th century they were dominated by the Greeks of Alexander and in the second century they allied with the Romans against the Greeks ( 140 B . C .). After the death of Julius Caesar , the Senate of Rome granted the title of King of Judea to Herod I , in the year 37 A . J . C . and in the first year of the Christian Era ( or in 4 B . C . if you will ) was born the Savior , Jesus of Nazareth , the Christ .
After Herod I the Romans took away from the Chosen People the possibility of having a King of his lineage and placed in power a series of procurators who tried in vain to tame the growing social unrest . The " Crucifixion of Jesus Christ ", which did not exist , or the " fight against the Christians ", which is usually given as an explanation of the bellicose and suicidal attitude of the Jews , are not correct , the true cause of the discomfort being the fact , sensed by all members of the Sacred Race , that the Hebrew Archetype " would be thrown into the Gentiles ”. It was palpable to them , by virtue of sharing the substance of the Demiurge , the judaizing action that would be carried out from then on over the entire world . What was not so clear to them was : in what way , after the presence of Jesus Christ could be fulfilled the old covenant with Jehovah Satan , the promise that the sacred lineage would inherit the power over the other nations ? It would take several centuries and the work of eminent Kabbalistic Rabbis for the Hebrews to regain faith in their role in history . But while that time came the patience of the Romans was exhausted long before : in the year 70 A . D . General Titus destroyed Jerusalem , Solomon ' s Temple , and " scattered " the Jews to all corners of the Roman Empire . With the Diaspora of the year 70 begins the modern history of the Chosen People , whose culmination is about to occur in our days , when the Synarchy transfers in its hands the totality of world power .
When in 313 , Emperor Constantine the Great recognized Christianity as the official religion of the Roman Empire , a difficult Epoch began for the Sacred Race . The reason was that in the peoples recently Christianized , the Blood