The Mistery of Belicena Villca influence also acts on man , radiating from Israel ' s own " Chosen People " since the Sacred Race is part of the occult anatomy of the Earth fulfilling the function of heart chakra or anhata chakra .
Regarding the last question , it is worth noting that the " animal-man " created by the Demiurge millions of years ago to " evolve " according to the Plan followed by the seven Kingdoms of Nature , naturally tended to form a type that responded to some basic Archetypes . However , from the year 33 of the Christian Era , it can be assured that the Judaic archetype of Jesus Christ is now the psychological archetype of man , that is to say , the type towards which it tends by evolution . This means that in men , who possess by the ancient Mystery of L-ove an animal heritage , animal tendencies will unconsciously propel you towards the Judaic Archetype . Only the purity of blood can prevent the prevalence of the animals tendencies and the consequent danger of psychologically corresponding with the Judaic archetype .
I have already shown how the Demiurge brought the original conflict to the terrain of racial confrontation , after creating the Sacred Race in imitation of the Hyperborean lineages divinized by the Gral . Now it has just been seen how a new imitation , this time of Kristos Lucifer , has meant another destructive advance against the Hyperborean lineages . The mighty shaping force of the judaic Archetype of Jesus Christ , acting from the center of the Earth at all times and places has increased tremendously the sleep in which the “ blood consciousness ” of men has been found since long ago . On the battlefield of the blood now fight relentlessly two esoteric forces : the Chant of the Gods and the archetypal judaic tendency of Jesus Christ . And the " awakening " has become , then , a terrible and desperate struggle fought inside and outside of each one , often unconsciously .
That is why , after Jesus Christ , it will no longer be possible to qualify the peoples or organizations but will have to specifically address the degree of confusion of men . It must be so because in many cases entire synarchic organizations may fall under the command of one man suddenly aware of some Hyperborean principle ( product of the esoteric struggle that is being waged within him ), who could even " twist " momentarily its course .
And , vice versa , in other cases it may happen that a group classified as " Hyperborean " is conducted by more or less judaized characters . At the end we will have Hebrews ( blood Jews ) who rebel against Jehovah and dramatically attempt to regain their Hyperborean heritage , which may occur more frequently than it is usually imagined , as we will find many times people who " by the Blood " claim to be perfect " Aryans " but which psychologically prove to be more Jewish than the Talmud . A telling example we will obtain by observing the Catholic Church in which coexist the worshipers of Jesus Christ and the Demiurge with nationalist priests and patriots serving the cause of Kristos Lucifer and the Loyal Gods without knowing it .
One must therefore be cautious when qualifying human organizations and , even in those that are clearly synarchic , always stop to evaluate the degree of confusion of the men with whom we deal . It is considered a sample of strategic capacity the ability to locate the " fair man ", even within a synarchical organization such as Masonry , to whom we will speak later trying to isolate him from the organization in which he militates ( appealing to the application of the law of the enclosure ) by using the appropriate symbols in order to be able to adress his Hyperborean part .
An example of what I have been saying is the case of the soteriological heresy , of Pelagius , also called " Pelagianism ". Early in the 5th century this British Bishop began to defend the theory that man , by himself , is enough to star in his salvation . This is possible , according to Pelagius , because " there is in man a principle of spiritual perfection ". It is thus evident that the Hyperborean lineage predominated in Pelagius . His Pure Blood soon allowed him to realize that the " salvation " of man ( his " orientation ") depended on " a spiritual principle ", which should be " discovered " and " cultivated " internally . But where Pelagio ' s " heretical " position was clearer was with regard to original sin : man has not sinned at all and “ if Adam sinned , his sin died