The Mistery of Belicena Villca that of a simple Hebrew : Mary would be pregnant " with the gaze " by one of the Demons of the Hierarchy , the " Angel Gabriel ”, who actually uses the “ intersection of fields ” method , one of the three forms of parthenogenesis that exist : in this way it was also imitated the Virgin of Agartha , Ama , the Mother of Navutan , who was pregnant on Venus by another " Angel ", the " Seraph Lucifer ". The Master Jesus would animate that superior body for thirty years , but it would be the sect of the Essenes , which during all that time would be in charge of developing his esoteric potentialities , training him in the secrets of the acoustic Kabbalah . In this task the Essenes would be assisted by the Masters of the Hierarchy , and these by the Traitor Gods ; all of Chang Shambhala had concentrated on sustaining the Messiah since on the success of his mission would largely depend the future " evolution " of Humanity . If the work of the Messiah triumphed the whole of humanity would be " civilized ", that is , judaized , and " barbarism " would end , that is , the mythological memory of the Divine ancestors .
The most horrifying thing about this conspiracy was that the Demiurge and his Demons counted this time on the Memory of Blood that the Hyperborean lineages still kept from the Kristos of Atlantis to " attract " them towards his imitation , the Jesus Christ , and through a fantastic confusion finally subdue them . With what colossal hypocrisy the scam was planned and executed ! After Jesus Christ who would be able to distinguish between the Kristos of Atlantis and his caricature ? Only a few have suspected the deception , Gnostics , Manicheans and Cathars , and against them has fallen the anathema of the Dark Forces , the persecution and annihilation . It ' s just that this Jesus Christ , as Judaic Archetype that it is , allows many interpretations , all " legal ", according to the convenience of the Synarchy : there is a redeeming Christ ; a Christ of piety ; a Christ " who will come "; a Christ-God , a Christ-man ; a Christ- Social revolutionary ; a Cosmic-Christ ; a Christ-Avatar , etc .
What no one will ever be allowed to conceive ( or " remember ") is a Kristos of Uncreated Light , that is , a Kristos Lucifer . After Jesus Christ that will be the greatest sin , the greatest heresy and the deserved punishment will be exemplary punishment .
“ In the year 30 of the Christian Era the Word became flesh and dwelt among the men ". He by whose Word the World was created , clothed himself in the garb of his Hebrew Archetype , Malkuth , and manifested to men in the person of Jesus of Nazareth . Phenomenon of phenomena , Wonder of wonders , What a prodigious sight it must have been to see the Demiurge made man ! Must recognize that this time there was an undeniable quality to his hellish idea of imitating the Kristos of Atlantis and taking advantage of the Blood Memory of men . The result is in sight . Little by little the peoples came out of " barbarism " and " Civilization " spread to the last corners of the Earth . And the men slowly but inexorably have adapted to the Jewish psychological pattern . How was this success achieved ? For what collective alchemy did the ephemeral life of Jesus Christ succeed in influencing the peoples for millennia until ending in its complete judaization ? Was it just the Blood Memory of the Kristos of Atlantis what determined such a result or were there other hidden factors that contributed to the confusion of Humanity and its current judaization ? Without going into too much detail , given that the topic takes a long time , I can say that the Hebrew Archetype of Jesus Christ , which was found like all Archetypes on the Archetypal Plane , was precipitated to the physical plane or updated during the incarnation of the Demiurge in the body of Jesus of Nazareth . Such an update of the Malkuth Archetype means that it has been established a permanent force on Earth , which acts in an equivalent way to gravitation " pushing " man towards the Jewish form . This is due to a reason that is also a terrible secret : Jesus Christ has not disembodied ! On the contrary , he has since placed himself " in the center of the Earth ", next to the King of the World , radiating from there his " archetypal power " ( today we would say " genetic information ") in infinite geotopocentric axes that start from the terrestrial center and cross the spinal column of men . This it is the permanent archetypal force of Jesus Christ . But it is not the only one : an emotional Jewish