The Mistery of Belicena Villca the different variants of " nationalism "; the " fascism "; the " falangism "; the " nationalsocialism ", the " federations " and " confederations "; etc . These and many other political theories are the product of the application of the law of the Enclosure by some modern Leaders . In the case of " fascism ", " nationalsocialism ", etc ., it is evident that they have a fairly close connection with the ancient idea of the Universal Empire which eloquently explains why such ideologies have been persecuted to annihilation by the Chosen People and the forces of the Synarchy .
It is just that , precisely the idea of the " Universal Empire ", which is Hyperborean and arises from the application of the law of the Enclosure , is irreducibly opposed to the idea of the " Universal Synarchy " fostered by the White Brotherhood of Chang Shambhala , and carried out in favor of the Chosen People .
I had set out to give an example of the irreconcilable enmity between the Hyperborean heretical lineage and the Hebrew sacred lineage and this has become evident in the opposition between Universal Empire and Synarchy , that is , between their respective ideal conceptions of society . Equipped with these keys anyone can review history and draw his own conclusions from it ; thus it is not necessary to insist more on it .
I said earlier that the " Sacred Race " was created by the Demiurge in imitation of the Hyperborean lineages and showed that " The Tablets of the Law ", and the terrible knowledge with which they were written , were given to the Hebrews in the likeness of the Gral . I may now add that the " imitation " did not conclude there ; on the contrary , for centuries an infernal historical falsification was prepared that in fact came to mean an infinitely more offensive tort than the imitation of the Hyperborean lineages or the Gral . I am talking about the usurpation , vulgarization and degradation perpetrated against the Divine figure of Kristos Lucifer .
I already mentioned that , during the days of greatest spiritual decline in Atlantis , Kristos Lucifer manifested himself in view of the sleeping men . His Presence had the virtue of purifying and guiding many men , who , thanks to this descent into Hell made by the Galant Lord , were able to thus embark on the path of Return . Yet the cowardly reaction of the Traitor Gods , who resorted to the use of black magic to prevent the rescue , eventually led to an all-out war that only concluded when the last Atlantis had disappeared . And although the Atlantean continent disappeared devoured by the waters and thousands of years of barbarism and strategic confusion erased these facts from history , it is no less true that the drama lived was so intense that it was never completely obscured in the collective memory of the Hyperborean lineages . That is why when the Demiurge conceived the sinister idea of imitating , roughly , the redemptive image of “ Kristos Lucifer descending among men ” it was inexorable that such infamy would unleash irreversible changes and definitive confrontations .
What was the Demiurge up to this time ? Although it seems incredible he wanted to produce , in imitation of the Hyperborean transmutation , a leap in Humanity . But let us not be too surprised : what was sought was a leap forward , into the future , and above all , an attempt was made to gird the members of Humanity , without any distinction due to its Race or religion , to a universal psychological “ type ” or a collective Archetype . That Archetype , of course , was that of the Hebrew Race because what was ultimately wanted was to judaize humanity and prepare it for the World Government of the Synarchy .
To carry out such an ambitious plan they would set in motion numerous forces , which would concur towards the figure of the Messiah and would make possible his terrestrial Ministry . For the mission of " preparing the vehicle " through which Jehovah Satan would manifest himself to men , was commissioned one of the Masters of Wisdom of the White Fraternity , who would be known , during his incarnation , as Jesus of Nazareth . Nor was the question of the lineage neglected and that is why the Master Jesus incarnated in the bosom of a Hebrew family whose genealogy could be traced back to Abraham . But the physical body of the Messiah would possess a constitution different from